A female middle school student is going to die!? Or maybe she's even dead already!! Unless something happens I'm gonna be a murderer - Ah!? Hey, are you listening to me!? Hey dammit! I'm gonna murder you! - Eikichi Onizuka.
Scene #6 - The rumors about that girl!

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 12 - Great Toroko Oppai miniseries.
Scene #6 - The rumors about that girl!

At the photographing scene, Munakata asked Kakimoto if everything is ready, and Kakimoto replied that everything is on schedule. Munakata grinned, and he asked (Tomoko) Nomura if she is ready. Nomura, tied on a chair, asked him if she have to act at that place, and Munakata acknowledged her, asking her to put a good performance, as the show will determine her future. Suddenly, one of the man exclaimed that (Ichiro) Okinoshima has come, and Munakata reiterated again for Nomura to put a good performance, in a mini-film produced by Munakata himself.

Okinoshima is screaming outside, searching for Nomura, when suddenly Nomura, still tied, is screaming for Okinoshima to help her escape from Munakata. Okinoshima is shocked, and suddenly, Munakata grabbed Nomura from behind, and started to greet Okinoshima, welcoming him to the studio where they will take Nomura' naked pictures, and also make a pornographic video, and in 2 years time, it will sold like hot cakes. He asked Okinoshima to enter the building, if he wants to become a star. Okinoshima is pissed, and he started to enter the building, and firing his air-machine-guns while cursing at Munakata.

He entered the building, just to see Nomura lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He is shocked, and started to examine her wounds. Then he realized that it is only a mannequin, with tomato sauce as blood, and Okinoshima become angry after being tricked by Munakata. Suddenly he hears a door where he entered from being slammed shut, and Munakata is already outside, along with Nomura in his hands. He exclaimed that he knows that Okinoshima will come to ruin his plans, so he has already arranged for another photographic session at another place. Okinoshima asked him to release him from the building, but Munakata replied that Okinoshima would die in the explosion.

He asked Okinoshima to look behind him for the device, added that the bomb will detonate in 5 minutes. Okinoshima is shocked, and Munakata replied that the bomb is strong enough to turn him into steaks. Okinoshima didn't believe that the device is a bomb, but Munakata tell him to just wait and see if his word are true or not, and that he will not know it anyway as he will become steaks. Then he asked Okinoshima to rest in peace, and that he will put a giant poster of naked Nomura on the office' rooftop. Okinoshima is pissed, and started to fire homemade bombs at Munakata, but Munakata replied that such bombs wouldn’t hurt him, and he and Nomura left.

He started to look at the bomb, still doubting its authenticity, when suddenly, the clock started to tick faster. Okinoshima started to believe that the bomb is real, and he runs, screaming for Munakata to let him out from the building. He shakes the fence, and suddenly the fence gives way to him and he runs to safety. When he is considerably far away enough, he sees that the bomb has not detonated, and started to curse at Munakata for scaring him. But suddenly, the bomb detonated, destroying the whole building, shocking Okinoshima as debris started to fall around him.

He is stunned at the turn of events, and only that he realized that Munakata really wants to bomb him. He bowed not to let Munakata go away, thinking that Munakata must have killed other second agents who has tried to correct him too. Suddenly, he hears Nomura screaming for help, and he turned to see Munakata brandishing a big knife, and he licked it, as his car turned away from the scene. Okinoshima started to drive his car, saying that Munakata is just like Hannibal Lecter (‘Silence of the Lamb' character), and screamed that he will not let Munakata lay his hand on Nomura.

In the next scene, Okinoshima is still chasing Munakata, firing with his toy air-machinegun, as Munakata exclaimed for Okinoshima to try harder, so that the film will be much better. The driver tell him that they is about to enter zone B, and Munakata tell the driver to call Kakimoto to make things 'grand' at the zone. Suddenly, Okinoshima realized that a helicopter is flying over him, and explosives started to drop near his car. Okinoshima is shocked that the helicopter wants to blow him up too. He started to feel like he is in a movie. But he sees Munakata sneering at him, and his blood started to boil again.

He drives on in the midst of the explosions, saying that Munakata must have hired terrorists to kill him, and tell Munakata not to run away. Meanwhile, near the explosion scene, 2 men with video cameras are watching and recording the scene that has happened. One of them started to talk via walkie-talkie. Back to Munakata' car, he declared that the game is over. The driver started to let Okinoshima to catch up beside their car, and Okinoshima started to call Nomura.

Okinoshima asked Nomura to move and try to reach for his hand, as he is controlling the steering with his leg. Nomura is scared, but Okinoshima assured her that he would help her. Hearing that, Nomura started to reach for Okinoshima, and when she does, Okinoshima suddenly looked behind her to see that Munakata has brandished his pistol, and shoot right into the back of Nomura' head. Okinoshima is shocked, as Munakata is laughing evilly, and blood started to flow from her wounds, as she called for Okinoshima. Okinoshima started to scream her name...


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.