-++ LINKS ++-
Wanna link to me? Please use the URL http://www.miyabiaizawa.com
or http://gtofansite.funurl.com
and you can also use the banner below. If you want your
links here, contact me by clicking this link.

(Do not hotlink the banner if
you use it)
- Great Website Onizuka
- http://members.tripod.com/dragonfiles8
Description:- A site that is similiar
with here.
- Great Manga Application Onizuka
(GMAO) - http://www.mangatranslation.com
Description:- Used to translate GTO
manga scans, but not anymore because TokyoPop had licensed
the manga in North America. Now currently translating Tenjyou
Tenge, Get Backers and Street Fighter manga.
- Urumi and Kikuchi Website
- http://members.tripod.com/urumi_kikuchi/enter.htm
Description:- A GTO website that concentrates
more on the anime version.
- Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO -
Dickson) - http://welcome.to/gto2000
Description:- Contains lots of screenshots
from GTO drama version.
- Tetris No Miko GTO page
- http://www.angelfire.com/geek/tetrisnomiko/gto/gto.html
Description:- Contains manga summaries,
characters' description and anime scripts.
- Fujisawa De Go! -
Description:- The author official
website (Japanese language). Closed now.
- Shonen Magazine -
& Kodansha Publishing Ltd.
- http://www.kodanclub.com
Description:- The 2 publications that
serialized and published the manga, respectively.
- GTO #Intro - http://th.members.tripodasia.com/GTO/home.htm
Description:- A GTO website in Thai
- http://www.gto.fr.st
Description - A GTO website in French
- http://greatgto.com.ne.kr/
Description:- A GTO website in Korean
- http://www.hageshiku.com/GTO.html
Description:- A GTO website in English.
- The GTO Program -
Description: Another GTO website in
- GWO - Great Website Onizuka
- http://www.projectbag.com/gto/gto_index.htm
Description: A fan site dedicated
to the anime show GTO (US Tokyopop version). Offering large
image galleries along with a short review and in depth over-view
of the series, plus links on where you can buy the series
- Welcome to Holy Forest Academy
Description: A GTO site that covers
both of the anime and manga version produced by Tokyopop.
- GTO Polyphonic Ringtones/Color Logos [Mobiiz.com] - http://en.mobiiz.com/Theme_GTO.asp
Description: A website where you can get GTO-related polyphonic ringtones and color wallpapers. Didn't see any monophonic ones though.
* = languages I'm not very well versed with, so you should
just go and visit them yourselves.
- Mydomain - http://www.mydomain.com
Description:- DNS provider.
- All Hail Doraemon
- http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/2452/
Description:- A website dedicated
to one of the most famous, if not the most famous, anime/manga
in the world, Doraemon.

- Northampton and Milton Keynes Anime Club - http://www.nmkac.anime.org.uk/
Description: An anime/manga club based on Northampton and Milton Keynes, England.
Problems with this section? Mail me.
No information collected from the visitors of this website
(e-mail address and stuff) are sold to any third parties
out there (read: spammers). All activities are logged, but
the info are used mainly for technical reasons, and in no
way they will be attributed to any of the visitors. Any
question? Mail me.
Winamp 5.03d - http://www.winamp.com
Winzip - http://www.winzip.com
Copyright Notice:-
GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka © Touru Fujisawa 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. All right reserved.
All pages on this website is owned by the webmaster. Distribution
for profits (especially the summaries) is not allowed. Saving
any pages in your storage media for offline reading is allowed,
and to webmasters, you can put the summaries or the scans
in your website as long as you give the appropriate credits
to me.
Misc. info:-
This new design are designed to be viewed at 800x600. Best
browsers to be used here are Internet Explorer (9x% of the
visitors uses this) 5.x and Netscape (for Linux and non-Microsoft
OS users) 6.1 or greater. Not extensively tested with Opera,
which seems to have some issues with CSS usage and php snippets
centering using <div> tags.
(all website pages are tested using Netscape 6.1 and Internet
Explorer 5.5. Netscape 4.x is obselete, get Netscape 6 from
Color scheme created with help using color palettes created
by Bruce Heavin from www.stinks.com and Lynda Weinman from
Website tracing images, logo, menu images and everything
else except the "Genma the Picketing Angry Panda/Very
Nice Makoto Fuyutsuki" are created by asellus.
Website goes live since 4 October 2001 (with a few months'
offilne period).
- http://gtofansite.funurl.com (PRIMARY REDIRECTION).
- http://www.miyabiaizawa.com (SERVER URL).
- Dreamweaver MX 6 2002
- Paint Shop Pro 6
- WS_FPT LE 95
- Ulead Photoimpact 6