If you look at the eyes you'd understand! At his eyes!! They are the eyes of a common criminal!! Those eyes!! Don't you understand!? Director!!? - Hiroshi Uchiyamada.
Lesson #90 - The inverted social interaction.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 11
Lesson #90 - The inverted social interaction.

Everyone is shocked, when (Eikichi) Onizuka make his grand entrance. He then landed and crashing on most of the furnitures in the suite, ending up under a big mess. (Miyabi) Aizawa and (Chikako) Shirai gasped, and (Kunio) Murai and (Taadaki) Kusano are shocked when they hear Onizuka has come, wondering from where he had entered. Meanwhile, at the suite, the club members are puzzled, asking if Onizuka is doing stunts, and started to ignore him so they can start their games. Aizawa is screaming for Onizuka to wake up, and save them, as the club members started to approach them.

Onizuka started to stand, to the joy of the girls, and asked for him to beat the club members. Suddenly, Onizuka countered that he didn't come to the suite to save them, but instead, as a social studies teacher, he wanted to see the girls doing their social interaction, and make it as his own personal experience. Aizawa and Shirai are shocked. Aizawa started to protest, saying that what will happen is attempts to rape, not social interaction, but Onizuka ignored her, and introduced himself at the club members as tonight' event manager, and tell them to do what they want.

Onizuka silenced Aizawa, saying that he hears that it is she who framed him in the money scandal, and how he is conned by Yuka team. He then assumed that Aizawa couldn’t be forgiven, so he has no reason to save them. Aizawa started to deny his allegations, and he as their homeroom teacher, should save them. Onizuka shot back, saying that his work hours is only up to 5.30 pm, and after that time, he is not their teacher. He added that Aizawa and the other 2 always looked down on teachers, so why they must ask for help from teachers then. He started to lash at them, saying if they kneel and apologize to him, he may save them.

He started to think of ways for them to pay for their sins, like paying money, or strip dance, or saying that Onizuka has better looks than Takenouchi (webmaster note: Yutaka Takenouchi, a Japanese actor). Hearing him, Aizawa started to lash at him, saying that she will rather die than apologize to him. Onizuka replied that it's her choice, so he will not care anymore about them. He started to direct the club members, as (Saeko) Iijima and Shirai are asking for Aizawa to just apologize to him, and asked him to save them. All of the commotion above shocked the people below. Murai and Kusano are wondering what Onizuka' plans is, and wondered if he wanted to join the club members.

Murai and Kusano go up to the suite, and started to bang at the door, saying that if Onizuka followed the club members’ activities, he will be fired and jailed. Meanwhile, inside the suite, Onizuka is brushing aside the commotion outside the suite, and tell Aizawa that the ball is on her field, whether she want to apologize or not, and he will just wait and see, and whatever happened if she does not do it, he will not care. Iijima commented that Onizuka is not bluffing, but Aizawa replied that Onizuka just want to scare them.

Suddenly, one of the club members started to pull up Shirai' sailor uniform, exposing her bra, and Aizawa is shocked, as Onizuka continues smoking, asking for a milk bottle. Iijima protested on why Onizuka want a milk bottle at a time like this, and pleaded for him to save them. Next, it's Iijima herself having her socks being removed by the club member, as Onizuka commented that the club members surely have abnormal sexual tendencies.

Onizuka commented, that as the most stubborn girl among them, she would surely raised up their abnormal tendencies, as Aizawa is silent. Suddenly, one of them started to work on her, saying that she will smell his armpits. Onizuka sneered, and asked Aizawa, whether she want to apologize or not, but she did not reply. Shirai asked Aizawa to just apologize, as her leg is being licked. Outside, Murai and Kusano are still pounding the door, when a club member is filming the events.

Suddenly, the club member who want Aizawa to smell his armpit, started to hold her head, saying that she will now smell his stinking dick. Onizuka asked her again if she want to apologize, as tears started to flow from her eyes. The club member started to pull her head down, when suddenly, word-by-word, she apologized to Onizuka. Both Iijima and Shirai are stunned, and Onizuka is smiling.

He hooked his fingers on the nose of one of the club members, and throws him across the room. Then he cursed Aizawa for being so stubborn, and that he now can do his duties as a teacher, while Aizawa is crying. The rest of the club members started to protest, but Onizuka declared that he would teach them for bullying his students. The sound of Onizuka beating them can be hear on the outside hallway, as (Urumi) Kanzaki and (Yoshito) Kikuchi arrived at the suite. Kanzaki is silent when she hears the beatings. Later, (Azusa) Fuyutsuki arrived at the suite, just to see that all of the club members are being tied on their play dolls. Meanwhile, Aizawa had arrived at her house, tears in her eyes.

In the nearby park, Kanzaki began to blame Onizuka for his stupidity, and if he didn't come, they will have 8 millions yen already. Instead, Onizuka is sending them by taxis one by one, ruining her plans. Kikuchi replied that she is all talk, but she is actually relieved that Aizawa and the others were saved, and Kanzaki denies it. Murai asked (Noboru) Yoshikawa of Onizuka' whereabouts, and he replied that Onizuka had gone eating ramen. Kanzaki reiterated again that Onizuka is stupid, saying that tomorrow is the last day for him to collect the money.

Suddenly, Onizuka zipped past them, dragging the ramen stall along with him, as the owner give chase. Kikuchi and the others can only looked at them. They started to wonder what will happened to him...


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.