Hm? I think they're pretty eyes. Like Brad Pitt. - Ryoko Sakurai.
Lesson #8 - Pervert on the road.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 2
Lesson #8 - Pervert on the road.

(Eikichi) Onizuka is starting to call the schools inside the list given by (Ryuji) Danma, as his friend Toshiyuki Saejima, in a policeman uniform shooting at the empty aluminum tins, under a bridge. Onizuka efforts don’t seem to be successful, as he started to curse Danma for misinformation. Saejima then commented that Onizuka is asking for trouble for becoming a teacher. He proceed to say that a person like Onizuka to become a teacher is impossible, and Onizuka lashed back at him, saying how a criminal like him could become a policeman, as that thing is strange enough. Onizuka then tell Saejima to shut up and not to meddle in his business, as Saejima himself is not an angel himself, for playing with guns and wasting public funds.

Saejima commented that he stole the gun from the warehouse that was used to store confiscated things, and also the bullets too. He then asked Onizuka to try to use it. Onizuka then accused him to try to trap him, much to Saejima denial. Saejima then asked him to just forget the teaching profession, and asked him to enter a joint venture of weapon smuggling, much to Onizuka's chagrin. Saejima commented that the warehouse stores a lot of things, and if Onizuka agree with his plans, they could be rich. Onizuka commented that he is a bastard, and Saejima say that he only wanted to see Onizuka live in luxury, because they are brothers anyway (not in blood though).

In the next scene, Onizuka is in an employment agency, to look for the private schools that will conduct interviews. He begging for the clerk to help him find some names, but the clerk refused, saying that there's no school that conducted interviews anyway. Onizuka started to feel dejected, and he has to scour the dumpsites again for food until the next year qualifying test. Suddenly, the clerk found a school, much to Onizuka happiness. The clerk says that the school is a little bit far, and Onizuka replied that he don't care, he wanted to look at it. The clerk gives him the advertisement, and Onizuka started to cringe, to see the ad...


Teacher's Wanted (via interviews)

No. of students: 27 Available position(s): 1

Location Travel schedule: 18 hours

Don't have to sit the qualifying test.
Candidates with farming experience will have an added advantage.
Technically superior candidates will be considered.
Accommodation provided. Enjoy the teaching life in the presence of nature
[At this space, a farm with some dairy cows are shown]

[Webmaster note: This ad is shown to you as this school will come into play in later volumes (20>)]

Onizuka then asked the clerk if this place is a school or a zoo, and she replied that it's a good school, it also have it's own hot water spring. Onizuka screams and asked the clerk to find another school, making the clerk angry. She then pulled another ad, this time for a position in a kindergarten (Kichiyouji Pre-School). Onizuka is pissed and began to lash at the clerk, when his eyes landed on a footnote of the kindergarten ad, showing another ad for 3 available positions in Kichiyouji Private School...

In the next scene, Onizuka is in a bus, reading more about Kichiyouji Private School. Kichiyouji Private School is a prestigious educational system, consisting of a kindergarten, a primary school, a secondary school (or middle-school as it is commonly called in Japan) and a high school. Have 1643 students with 88 teaching staff. Lots of the school graduates went on to prestigious universities. Onizuka commented about the school's high status, and commented that's why he can't find about this at his low-class university. He feels that he won't stand a chance, but still he will try for the sake of records.

Suddenly someone collided with Onizuka, and the Kichiyouji school magazine that he hold fall. Then a cute chick (Azusa Fuyutsuki), come and apologized to him, and Onizuka replied that she don't have to worry. Onizuka then commented silently about how cute Fuyutsuki is, and how she will look like if she wear a miniskirt instead of the slacks she wear now. As he rise after collecting the magazine, he see that Fuyutsuki' slack is torn, exposing her purple underwear. Onizuka then blushed, and inched himself to Fuyutsuki's back. He then prepared to fondle Fuyutsuki' ass when suddenly, to his surprise, another hand grabbed her buttock first, and Fuyutsuki just stand there with her face blushing. Onizuka knows that it wasn't him, as he turned around to see a bald man with spectacles (Principal Hiroshi Uchiyamada) is holding a newspaper, while his other hand is busy fondling Fuyutsuki' ass.

Onizuka is pissed off as another man takes his opportunity away. Thus he rammed his head with Uchiyamada's, injuring him. Uchiyamada then asked why Onizuka do that, and Onizuka screamed at him for fondling Fuyutsuki' ass. Other passengers started to make noise, commenting on the incident, embarrassing Uchiyamada. Uchiyamada then threatened to make a police report for framing him, and Onizuka replied that he would follow Uchiyamada to police station, if he really wanted it...

After disembarking from the bus, Fuyutsuki started to thank Onizuka for what he has done in the bus. She added that such kind of things happened to her frequently. Onizuka replied that it doesn't matter, while thinking that he's lucky that he didn't grabbed her ass. Then Onizuka tell her about her torn slacks, much to her horror. She screams and hastily tried to think what to do, as Onizuka silently commented how cute she is, and how it feels if he were to have sex with her everyday. Fuyutsuki can't still find a way to cover the hole, as she has to attend an interview. Onizuka is puzzled, and asked her if she is going to be a teacher. She says yes, and she pointed at the Kichiyouji Private School, that the interview is there.

In the next scene, as both of them is waiting to be interviewed, Fuyutsuki and Onizuka is chatting. She remarked that she never thought that Onizuka also wanted to attend the interview, as she wear Onizuka's coat to cover the hole. Fuyutsuki then introduced her name, and that she come from Waseda University and she teach literature. Onizuka commented about Fuyutsuki coming from a good university, thus she would land the job easily, while he didn't as he comes from a low class university. Fuyutsuki replied that it will not necessarily happened, as this school is different from the others. The school is famous for appointing teachers not based only on academic qualifications, but also based on the candidates' personality. Fuyutsuki is confident that Onizuka will make it. Onizuka sheepishly rejected her view, as he is only a trash. Fuyutsuki did not agree with that, and tell Onizuka that they can be successful together. Onizuka is blushing........

He then started one of his daydreams again...that in his class, some pranks had drawed on the blackboard, a love umbrella (webmaster note: I don't know a better phrase other than 'love umbrella', that the Japanese students always used to tease lovers...) with his and Fuyutsuki name under it. Onizuka sheepishly then asked his class who's the culprit, as his whole class is teasing him. Suddenly, Fuyutsuki appears at the class' door, asking Onizuka to go see the disciplinary teacher. She then sees the love umbrella, and she's stammering as she asked who drew the picture, and the entire class teasing just gets louder. Onizuka and Fuyutsuki, looked at each other and smiled.... finished daydreaming mode. Onizuka is grinning by himself as he was called to enter the interview room, just to see Uchiyamada as the interviewer....


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.