I think all you're ears have been plugged up, so listen carefully because this is a class from me, who's smarter than a graduate of Tokyo University and number one in Japan. - Eikichi Onizuka.
Lesson #72 - Do you like a beautiful mom?

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 9
Lesson #72 - Do you like a beautiful mom?

(Kunio) Murai, (Kouji) Fujiyoushi and (Taadaki) Kusano are on their way from the school. Fujiyoushi asked Murai if he had bought the new Playstation game 'World Cup France 98', and Murai replied that he do, to avenge the 3 consecutive defeats that Japan suffers at the soccer's World Cup. He asked them if they want to come and play the game at his house. Kusano asked him on how he can buy that game after he spends money on another 2 games, and Murai replied that it's because that her mother's construction company has finished constructing a building, and her mom has given him an additional pocket money. Kusano commented that Murai is lucky, because the vice-versa happened to him. Murai the asked them if they want to come to his house and eat sushi. Both of them agreed.

When they arrived at his house, Murai greeted his mom, but he is shocked to see that his mom (Juria) Murai is wearing some very skimpy clothes, without any bra beneath, thus showing the faint glimpse of her areola. She commented that the day's weather is too hot, and hoped to be able to remove all her clothes instead, as Murai and the others are shocked to see such sight in front of them. She realized that Murai has come home, and greeted him, asking why he returns so early that day. Murai started to become angry with her mother for wearing such an outfit, and letting the windows wide open too. She complained that she feels hot, but Murai lashed at him to ask for her to be less indecent. He then asked her to change clothes, but she protested saying that his friends seems not to mind she wearing such cloths, and Fujiyoushi and Kusano quickly agreed. But Murai forced her mom to change cloths and both Fujiyoushi and Kusano started to peek, despite his warnings.

Murai proceeded to beat them both on the head, complaining that he has repeatedly asked her to mind her sense of fashion, and the situation will become worse of (Eikichi) Onizuka managed to see her like that. Suddenly, he sees a person with blonde hair peeking at her mom at where Fujiyoushi and Kusano are peeking earlier, and he is indeed Onizuka, Murai is steamed now, and started to beat Onizuka for peeking at her mom, and also for appearing at times like that... Onizuka protested, saying that he only comes to return Murai's things that he has forgotten at school. Murai lashed at him, saying that he don't have such things that Onizuka carried, but Onizuka protested that the things are indeed his.

In the next scene, at a video arcade center, Fujiyoushi commented that Murai is lucky to have a beautiful mother, and it is unavoidable for bad people like Onizuka to try to be near with her. He then commented that his own mother is very ugly, even prospective robbers will be scared when they see her, but he is relieved that his mom is not very fat. Suddenly Murai and Fujiyoushi realized that Kusano is silent, and Fujiyoushi realized that he has talking too much (webmaster note: read volume 4 summaries to know why). Both of them started to apologize to him who are squatting in a corner, saying that he never mean to hurt his feelings, but Kusano replied that Fujiyoushi word's earlier is right anyway. Fujiyoushi and Murai started to become nervous...

In the next scene after everything calmed down, Fujiyoushi asked Murai on why his mother does not remarry. Murai is puzzled by his question. Fujiyoushi continued, saying that his mom is surely beautiful, even from the view of a secondary school student, and that she has nice breasts. Murai started to become angry when he hears that, but Fujiyoushi countered that he have only accidentally see them earlier. Next, Fujiyoushi with bumps all over his head, commented that it is normal for her to have one or 2 boyfriends, because she is beautiful, and Murai denies that his mom will have such affairs, but in his heart, he knows that Fujiyoushi words may come true....

At his house, Juria is cooking, but suddenly she realized that Murai is looking at her strangely. She asked him why he is looking at her like that, and Murai replied that there's nothing. She continued to cook, as Murai started to think that Fujiyoushi words are true. He then wondered if his mom is cheating him and instead she have an affair with a boyfriend out there, and started to wonder how that 'boyfriend' looks like, who wanted to have a relationship with a woman who had a son that studies in Year 3 at secondary school.

He started to imagine, a nice-dressed mysterious man asking her mom to marry him, but her mom replied that she can't, at least not before Murai becomes an adult. The mysterious man replied that a Year 3 kid can be considered as an adult now in this era, and guessed that it is she who doesn't want to leave Murai. He then take her hand, and slipped a ring on her finger, and the mysterious man who sport a moustache, asked her if she is willing to receive the engagement ring. The ring has a skull motif engraved on it, and Juria started to call the mysterious man 'sensei'. She then hugged the mysterious man who turned out to be Onizuka wearing a tux and looked ridiculous with his moustache. He exclaimed that she should marry him and become Mrs. Juria Onizuka. Murai started to scream at such thought, and he scrambled the dinner tables. His mom started to become angry, looking that her foods are being spilled, but Murai accused his mom of having an affair with Onizuka. Hearing that, Juria become angrier, because she don't have one, and threatened not to feed him if he doesn't clean the mess.

In the next scene, Juria is having a bubble bath. She then asked Murai whether he wants to join her in the bathtub, saying that a long time had passed since the last time they bathed together. An embarrassed Murai declined his offer, and he is too occupied with his thoughts he doesn't realize that held the magazine in his hand upside down. Murai silently declared that his mom is his for all his life.

At the videotape-renting center, Fujiyoushi tells Murai that the horror movie "The Ring" is very scary; he even has second thoughts when he goes to the toilet late at night. (webmaster note: The Ring is an internationally acclaimed Japanese horror movie with Nanako Matsushima as one of the casts. She incidentally, also played 'Azusa Fuyutsuki' in the drama version of GTO). Murai started to doubt him, but Fujiyoushi asked him to just rent the movie himself. Meanwhile, Kusano is looking at the grade A video section, and Fujiyoushi yells at him not to waste his time, as the shop owner will not rent grade A videos to minors. Suddenly, Fujiyoushi sees something, and walked to the window to see it by himself. Murai is puzzled by his action, and asked on what he had seen.

Fujiyoushi replied that he has seen a woman meets up with a man, and entered a building with him. He then added that the woman looked like his mother, much to the shock of Murai. They go to the building that Fujiyoushi mentioned earlier, and surely the woman is really Juria, and she walked along with a bald man. Murai exclaimed that he is just a bald man, and that their relationship may have been just on professional basis. Fujiyoushi countered, saying that the building is a bridal boutique, and wondered if the man is just her friend, why they have to meet at such place. Murai is shocked, and he looked up to see the signboard that confirmed Fujiyoushi's words. He started to wonder on what have happened.

Back at home, Murai is reading a magazine (upside-down again), but his thoughts is concentrating on why her mom went to the boutique and wondered if his mom and the bald man will marry. He suspected that the bald man might have used money to seduce his mom, taking advantage of their financial situation. Suddenly, her mom returns home, and apparently she is drunk. She lashed at him, asking why he has to pull a sour face, saying that she has the right to drink all she wants. She then removed all her cloths, except for the bra and panties, and starting to doze off on the sofa as she greeted Murai goodnight. He watched her silently, and he puts a blanket covering her body, as he calmed himself by thinking that her mom will never remarry again, just because of money.

Suddenly, he sees his mom's handbag, and to his shock, he sees a wedding magazine inside of it. He takes it just to see various pictures of men and women in wedding attire, and he started to sweat. In a flash, he started to put nails on a baseball bats, thinking if his mom really wants to marry that bald man, and that he will become his new father. He vowed that he would stop the marriage no matter what, even if he has to use physical force.

In the morning, Juria tells Murai that she will return late, and asked him to reheat the food inside the fridge for dinner. Murai is silent, with the magazine upside down in his hands. After she closed the door, he put on a mask, and started to follow his mom from behind. The pedestrians that passed him are looking at him with strange look, probably because of the mask. Murai is thinking that he knows where she is going, because she applied more make-up than normal today and also she has put the bridal magazine back in her handbag. He silently cursed at his mom, who are singing happily as she walked, saying that it's embarrassing for a women like her to do it because she has already have a 14-year old son. He vowed again to make sure the man that used money to seduce her mom to feel his wrath.

She arrived at the building, and apologized to the bald man who replied that he had been waiting for 15 minutes. Murai cursed the man, and entered the building with the spiked baseball bat in his hand. He started to scream inside the building, asking the bald man to show himself, and as Murai walked, some people started to ask on what he wanted to do at the building. Suddenly, he hears the bald man and his mom's voices at the end of a hallway, and he barged into the room. He is shocked to see his mom wearing a wedding gown, and looking at herself in the mirror, as the bald man smiles at her. Murai removed his mask and asked on why his mom is wearing the gown. His mom is surprised to see that Murai is in the building.

Murai started to get in tears, and asked on why his mom must betrayed him, as the bald man and a attendant in the room is shocked to see him. Murai then started to try and hit the bald man, cursing at him, but he missed and hit a flower vase instead. His mom is shocked by his actions and asked him to stop, as the terrified bald man asked Murai about whom he is. His mom asked him to stop but he ignored her, and trying to hit him again.

In the next scene, his mom is smiling with the wedding gown, when a badly beaten Murai sits on a chair silently. His mom commented that Murai is a kid who is easily angered, and she started to apologize to the bald man for her son's actions. She lashed at Murai for calling names at the bald man, who is her boss at the construction company, and asked Murai to apologize to him. The bald man replied that it's nothing, saying that he never thought that her son will suspect him as her boyfriend, adding that he must have loved his mom too much. Murai started to apologize, and the old man replied to let bygones be bygones.

Murai murmured that he never thought that his mom comes to the building to become a model for the wedding gowns. His mom replied that she is kind of embarrassed to tell him too about that role. She adds that the construction company she worked in built the building they are in now, and the owner asked her to come and become a model for the gowns once in a while. As the request comes from a customer, she simply can't refuse, and his boss also gives her encouragement to try to become a model too. Murai is silent, and his mom hit him at the back, saying that if she was to remarry, she will surely tells him first, adding that his love for her had gone too far. She says that she had longed for along time to wear a wedding gown herself, because she had never wears one. Murai is stunned.

His mom started to self-posing in front of the mirror, asking if she looked beautiful, and that she don't look like a women who already have a son who studied in secondary school. She then asked Murai if she is right, but he is silent, as he thinks that his mom looks great in the wedding gown. He think what will happen to him to have some kind of complex feeling, as he replied to his mom not to get overboard with her posing, just to be threatened by more violence from his mom, and he apologized. He silently wished that her mom will never remarry and that she will never have to wear the white gown ever.

At the school, Fujiyoushi and Kusano laughed at him for what he had done at the bridal boutique, saying that it's so funny. The sheepish Murai replied that he has no other way, but Fujiyoushi replied that at least he should not bring a spiked bat to the boutique. Kusano wondered what will happen if his mom really married the bald man, and speculates that Murai will become a Nuclear King Kong. Murai started to become angry with him, and Kusano teased him even more. Suddenly, Fujiyoushi and Murai hear something drops, and they are shocked to see a nice looking letter addressed to Murai lying on the floor....


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.