No way- Never - Can't cut it off before I've even had a chance to use it once! - Eikichi Onizuka.
Lesson 71 - A place no one knows.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 9
Lesson 71 - A place no one knows.

The teacher's room is in an uproar, because then students has reported that (Azusa) Fuyutsuki hasn't come to teach them. The teachers wondered where she could have possibly gone to, when one of them noticed that (Eikichi) Onizuka is missing too. One of them suggested that Onizuka may have skipped school and went to somewhere else, because the weather is nice that day. Another commented that Onizuka may be accustomed to do such things, and probably Onizuka is now somewhere eating at a stall, because he likes to eat a lot. Suddenly, silence fall into the room, when they realized that both Onizuka and Fuyutsuki might have skipped school together, but in the end the comforted themselves that Fuyutsuki will never hang up with a person like Onizuka.

Meanwhile, at a video arcade, Fuyutsuki is playing an FPS arcade game (webmaster note: a game like Virtua Cop 2 and House of the Dead 2), and all the monsters apparently have (Hajime) Fukorada's head superimposed on it. Fuyutsuki calmed herself, and started to shoot every single Fukorada-headed monsters, and managed to finish them all. She started to gloat over his victory, and exclaimed that the arcade game that let her to change pictures so that the picture could be used as a monster target is really good and it will become popular in no time. She commented that she wanted to play again, as Onizuka started to cringe when looking at her attitude. She started to play again, as she lashed out at Fukorada who always like to stare at her with perverted eyes, and also when she is walking on the stairs with miniskirts, he will surely looked at her from below. Onizuka is silent.

Fuyutsuki commented that it's hard to become a woman, and she continued shooting, en-route of setting the best score. Looking at her feat again, she exclaimed that she has destroyed everything, and some onlookers started to comment that Fuyutsuki must really hated man to be able to finish the game. She then asked Onizuka to try another game, and he just followed her silently. She choose a racing game now, and as she races her car, she commented that she have never thought of skipping school after she become a teacher. Further, it's rare for her to skip school even when she is still studying. Onizuka commented that he himself always take holidays himself and rarely go to school. Suddenly, she notices that a student from Kichiyouji has entered the parlor, and both of them go out from the parlor quickly.

After exiting the arcade video center, they started to drive away on Onizuka's bike. Fuyutsuki commented that riding a bike is fun, and that she will apply for a driving license, so that if she is stressed out, she will be able to go out and ride her own bike as fast as the wind. Plus, she will be able to go out from the city. Onizuka is silent and Fuyutsuki continued, saying that her mind is clouded now. She began to ask on how much effort she has to pour for her students. She explained that she has spent a lot of time compiling data about each of her students, including their hobbies, favorite actor/actress and more. She added that she had tried very hard to charm her students, but it looks like that she is failing, and she wondered if she really wanted to become a teacher. She then tells Onizuka that a teacher's behaviors are always under scrutiny, from the students, parents and colleagues. When that happened, she always feels like to think on what will happen if she chooses another career other than teaching. Still, Onizuka is silent.

Fuyutsuki started to talk about the recurring dream that she have. In that dream, she is running while a lot of fishes are trying to eat her. She runs, but still the fish managed to eat her, until half of her body become food to the fishes. Onizuka is silent, and Fuyutsuki asked him to take her away, to a place where there is no teacher, no students, no school, no pressure and lots of 'no' demands. She wondered if she is thinking straight now, and if a teacher should wish for something like that she has said earlier. Suddenly, Onizuka exclaimed that he would bring her to a place just like she has said. He then turned her helmet around to cover her eyes. Fuyutsuki is shocked by his action, and asked of his intentions. He replied that he would bring her to the 'place'. Fuyutsuki is stunned, and Onizuka began to drive to their destination.

After a while, Fuyutsuki started to wonder where Onizuka could possibly bring her to. She then trying to peek from her helmet, and she sees that she is on a road with lots of love hotels around. Fuyutsuki is shocked, and wondered if Onizuka wanted to bring her into one, as her heart started to beat wildly. She asked Onizuka to stop, but he protested, saying that they will arrive shortly. Fuyutsuki began to plead at him to stop, saying that she is not ready yet for that 'thing', but instead, she found out that Onizuka has started to hoist her up from the bike. She is terrified, and asked Onizuka to put her down. Onizuka ignored her, and Fuyutsuki can hear that Onizuka asked someone to prepare something for 2 people.

Suddenly, she feels that Onizuka has put her down, and she is shocked to feel out that she is on a waterbed. She screamed, saying that she doesn't want to do 'it'. Instead, Onizuka asked her to just lie down, and not to be scared, and if she moves, she will be in danger. Fuyutsuki reiterated again that she is not prepared for 'that', when suddenly Onizuka removed the helmet covering her face. The blinding light caused her to shut her eyes, but slowly, she opened her eyes again to see that she is lying down on a small boat on the middle of a lake.

Onizuka smiles at her, and the stunned Fuyutsuki started to get up. Onizuka asked her not to get up, saying that if she does, she will know that they are in Inokashira Park Fuyutsuki is shocked, but Onizuka explained that the place they are now is the place he talked about. He continued, saying that every time he feels bored and tired, he will come to the park to watch the skies, and he will feels that all his problems has gone away. Fuyutsuki is silent as she lied down on the boat beside Onizuka. He then asked Fuyutsuki to be calm, and not to be very worried when she faced many problems. He then tells Fuyutsuki to just let the 'fishes' to eat her, because that's their responsibility as a teacher. Fuyutsuki smiled, and replied that she never knows that such place she always thinks for really exists. She decided to return to school because they after all, are teachers anyway.

Onizuka smiled, as Fuyutsuki realized that she is starting to talk like Onizuka herself, but conceded that the place is really good, and that she will come to the park in the future. Suddenly, they fell that only their heads are above the water, and they started to panic as they finds out that the boat they are on is sinking. Fuyutsuki asked Onizuka to get the water out, but Onizuka is too occupied with the fishes that are biting his penis.....


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.