Bad people are neither boys nor girls!! - Eikichi Onizuka.
Lesson #66: To open the heart of a sad girl...

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 8

Lesson #66: To open the heart of a sad girl...


As (Eikichi) Onizuka ride over the unfinished interchange, (Urumi) Kanzaki started to become scared, as Onizuka is calm like nothing has happened. And when they started to fall, Kanzaki started to scream, as the motorcycle smashed to the pillar of the interchange. Kanzaki is still screaming as they fall to their doom, when suddenly a net is being thrown to them. The motorcycle falls to the ground, and exploded.

Meanwhile, Onizuka is holding the net with one of his hands, and Kanzaki is on the other, and commented, that they nearly become proteins. Kanzaki is crying by now. Onizuka remarked that he wanted to see her explained about what has happened when they are airborne. Onizuka reminding her that she had said earlier that she doesn't fear death, but her actions earlier surely suggested that she fears death just like anyone else. He commented again that her actions don’t match her words, and that she is a coward. (Ryuji) Danma, (Toshiyuki) Saejima and the others are pulling the net back above, and Kanzaki is still crying. As they arrived at the top of the interchange, Onizuka states that Kanzaki don't have the guts to live on either, and that she is a coward.

The gang members have then pulled them up, and all of them started to praise Onizuka for his bravery. Onizuka thanked them for helping him, and that he will treat them beers, to the joy of all the gang members. Suddenly, Kanzaki stands up, and accuse him of scaring her, saying that how dare him who have to finish many years at a low-class university to scare her who has IQ over 200. She started to hit him, saying that he doesn't know anything, and Onizuka started to apologize to her. Instead, she continues to hit him, until Onizuka fall again at the unfinished interchange, shocking Danma and Saejima, but he managed to hold on the net, and Kanzaki started to hit on him with a stick, as Saejima commented that they can't help Onizuka this time.

In the next scene, Onizuka and Kanzaki are watching the biker gang members partying. Onizuka commented that Kanzaki doesn't value lives at all, and she countered that Onizuka is just the same, for trying to bury her at Fuji Jiyukai, as Onizuka started to deny the allegation. Then Kanzaki commented that Onizuka is a crazy teacher, for bringing a student riding over an unfinished interchange, and how that such 'counseling' is boring. But she commented, that she never cried like earlier, for a long time, and Kanzaki started to sip her drink. Suddenly, Onizuka pat her back, asking why she must always have the sour face, and Kanzaki' drink spurted out from her mouth.

Onizuka declared that the counseling will be started, puzzling Kanzaki, and he called one of the gang members. He asked him to tell her his life story. The gang member explained that his life story is not sad enough, but at year 6 at primary school, he wake up to see that his father had committed suicide by hanging himself. Kanzaki is stunned. He then continued, saying that he was scared at the time, because his father' shit is on the floor, and the event started to boggle his mind when he cleaned up the mess. Then at Year 2 in secondary school, he found out that his mom works at an adult pub, and it also disturbed him deeply.

Suddenly, one of the other gang members interjected that his life story is better than him. He then explained on how his father is drunk and slaughtered his mother, sliced her into pieces and asked him and his sister to bury it. They have to live in fear, until his father' arrest. But it turns out that his father had bought insurance for both of them. Kanzaki started to get nervous. The others started to exchange their stories too with each other, and Kanzaki and Onizuka only hears at them with silence.

Then Onizuka tell Kanzaki, that almost everyone in the party had their own dark past, and he knows other people who had many more sad stories to tell. Onizuka continues, saying that Fujimori had told him what had happened to her, saying that it surely a bad experience, for having a teacher she trusts to betray her. But Onizuka commented; that Kanzaki is a real bore. He asked her to see everyone in the party, who had bad experiences of their own, but still they are so happy. Onizuka explained that they know if they always cling to the past, and not being able to enjoy the life they have today, that will be a very stupid thing. So he wanted her, to open up her heart, and enjoy the life she has now, and use her smile to face everything that will come to her.

Kanzaki is stunned, and started to smile. She then asked him to teach her how to ride a motorcycle. Meanwhile, nearby the party, a shabby Cresta is moving, and lastly fall into the sea. (Taadaki) Kusano complained that they will sink, and asked for (Yoshito) Kikuchi advice. Kikuchi replied that they would be able to chase Onizuka, as (Kunio) Murai panicking, saying that Onizuka is not important anymore.

Suddenly, Kusano sees something, and they looked up to see Kanzaki dragging Onizuka with the motorcycle, and they started to wonder what had happened. Kikuchi replied that he doesn't know either. Kusano commented that Onizuka had being defeated, and he will be killed. And they will die too if they can't find a way to get off the car....


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.