Are you gonna betray the dreams of a child? - Some idiots.
Lesson #59 - The deadly game.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 7
Lesson #59 - The deadly game.

At Fuji Jiyukai, (Eikichi) Onizuka started to dig a hole for (Urumi) Kanzaki' corpse, breathing heavily, as the corpse is wet under the rain. He then put the corpse inside the grave. He looked at Kanzaki for the last time, when suddenly he screamed on what he has done. He started to punch himself, saying by doing this, Onizuka has become like those killers inside the detectives movies, and as a teacher, he must think of some other ways. He decided to give her artificial respiration, and blamed himself for not thinking of that way earlier.

In the next scene, Kanzaki' panties is being shown, and Onizuka is looking at it. He then punched himself again, saying that he targeted the wrong 'mouth', and that he must be calm, and not doing such evil things. Onizuka started to hold her nose, opened her real mouth, and blow inside it without lips' contact. He started to blame himself, for doing it wrong, as now he will do it correctly. Suddenly, as his lips is about to touch hers, a lightning struck a nearby tree, splitting it, and to Onizuka' shock, Kanzaki' eyes opened wide.

Onizuka is taken aback from the latest development, as Kanzaki' corpse started to stand, and walked slowly towards him. The corpse accused Onizuka of trying to bury her corpse at Fuji Jiyukai, and the very scared Onizuka vehemently tried to apologize to the corpse. The corpse added that Onizuka want to rape her, and Onizuka tell the corpse that it has misunderstood him, as he only wanted to save her. The corpse lamented that it has to die young, and Onizuka replied that he will pray that it will live happily ever after in heaven, when the corpse reiterated that it have not die yet, and that it still alive. Onizuka is silent, and stunned, as he looked at the 'corpse'.

At a nearby restaurant, Onizuka is ordering lots of food for Kanzaki. Onizuka asked her why she didn't tell him after she is awake. He then added that they should forget what had happened earlier, but Kanzaki rejected it. She then reminding Onizuka on how he wanted to bury her corpse, making Onizuka' drinks spurted out from his mouth. Then she talked about how he pulled up her skirts, and Onizuka is ordering another bottle of beer and chicken liver. Kanzaki commented that she never knows that a teacher will take a student to a forest, as Onizuka nervously replied that he hears about the magic powers at Fuji Jiyukai.

Kanzaki wondered what will happened if she reported to the police, and Onizuka hurriedly asked her to taste the best biscuit from the restaurant. Kanzaki then guessed that Onizuka will have at least 10 years, and Onizuka give her the steak, and she added he may get 15, and Onizuka offered the beer. Kanzaki started to call the police station, as Onizuka pleaded at her to stop the call, and that he will do everything she wants. Kanzaki asked him if his offer is for real, and the weeping Onizuka replied that he will do anything for her as long as she shuts up. She wondered if she could believe the promise of a killer, and Onizuka started to protest.

Kanzaki tells Onizuka that she wanted him to become his 'genie in a lamp' for a week. Onizuka is shocked and puzzled. She explained if she chanted "la li la la li" when she brushed the lamp, he must respond with "pa pa la pa". Onizuka doesn't want to do it. Ignoring him, Kanzaki started to brush the lamp and chanted the word, but Onizuka is silent. She then asked if he wanted to be arrested, and Onizuka quickly chanted his word. Kanzaki is laughing and asked him to punch his own head, which he does. She then asked him to take her to Tokyo, and buy her ice creams, and Onizuka started to protest. Kanzaki reiterated that Onizuka must follow her commands or being arrested, and Onizuka, forcing a smile, replied that he would do it.

In the next scene, Onizuka has stolen a motorcycle, and riding it with Kanzaki. She tells him to go faster, and overrun the red light, as she exclaimed that she's having the fun of her life. The police cars are starting to chase them. She then asked Onizuka to take her to Nagoya prefecture, because she wanted to eat some cakes. Onizuka asked her back if she wanted to travel there with the stolen bike. She tells him to just go there if he doesn't want to be reported to the police. He accused her of blackmail, but dropped the accusastion as she started to dial the police station...

In the next scene, Kanzaki is calling (Yoshito) Kikuchi, but is greeted instead with an answering machine. Kanzaki started to record her message, saying that she is at Nagoya, with Onizuka. Meanwhile Onizuka is being chased by a biker gang, when buying cakes for her. She added that Onizuka has saved her life, by jumping off the flat...


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.