In a time of emergency like this, history shows that small sacrifices are not necessarily evil. - Yoshito Kikuchi.
Lesson #57 - The dream of a girl.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 7
Lesson #57 - The dream of a girl.

(Eikichi) Onizuka is running, with one hand grabbing (Urumi) Kanzaki with him, as a lot of yakuza members are screaming murder chasing after them, for injuring their young master, as Kanzaki is laughing. One of them started to fire his pistol, but Onizuka started to zigzag to avoid the bullets. Kanzaki praised him for avoiding the bullets, and Onizuka lashed at her for injuring the yakuza leader. Kanzaki promised that she won't do it again, and Onizuka cursed her. She started to cry, saying that he has betrayed her. Onizuka try to calm her, saying that he will never left her, if she stopped crying, and she started to laugh again, making Onizuka nervous.

In the next scene, the yakuza members still firing, running past a sewer hole. After all is calm, Onizuka and Kanzaki started to emerge from the hole, and Onizuka commented that they nearly become the headlines of tomorrow newspapers. He started to call Kanzaki so they can return home, just to see that Kanzaki has rammed a police patrol car to a private car. Kanzaki wondered about where the brake pedal is, and an angry Onizuka replied it is on the left. Suddenly, some policemen who are nearby screams about Onizuka and Kanzaki being part of the shooting incident earlier, and wanted to arrest them, but he takes her away again.

In a secluded place, Onizuka asked her on why she must rammed the patrol car, and she replied that she wanted to take him home. He lashed at her, and she asked him if he started to hate her. Onizuka replied that he does. Kanzaki started to cry, and Onizuka tell her to cry all she want, and go crying at her parents. Kanzaki is silent and tells him that he has also betrayed her, and started to walk off. Onizuka commented that she is crazy, and that he need some sleep because he has some work to do in the next day. Suddenly he sees that Kanzaki has climbed on a flat, and then climb the security fence. Kanzaki then remarked that she wanted to die, shocking Onizuka.

Onizuka asked her what her motives are, as she is writing a will on the floor. Onizuka climbed the flat, and tells Kanzaki to not moving, as she ignored him and continue to write the will. In the end, he managed to grab her hand, while he himself is very exhausted from the climbing. Kanzaki asked him if he is shocked, and Onizuka replied that he does. He tells her to stop her jokes, and he will never left her again. Suddenly she tells him that she is serious earlier, puzzling Onizuka. She then says that she is always lonely at nighttime, and asked why humans must live, and it will be better if she never exists at all in the world.

Onizuka tell her to stop such thinking, and that she should call her friends more. Then she take out her address book, and show it to Onizuka, saying it is full. Onizuka commented that she has a lot of friends, so she should never feel lonely. Kanzaki replied that she knows all of the friends from the friend-finder telephone service. Onizuka is puzzled. Kanzaki explained that she never meet anyone of them, as they only want to bed her, but they usually will hear what she want to say. She added, in the school, nobody wanted to be her friend, because in their eyes, she is a freak. That's why when Onizuka saved her from the yakuza, she is so happy, because at least someone cared for her.

Onizuka is silent, and so are Kanzaki. Then she tells Onizuka to forget what she had said earlier. She continued that she will not come to school tomorrow and will not abuse him anymore. Suddenly, Onizuka give her address book back to her, with his name and phone number on it. He asked her to call him if she feel lonely, and he will talk to her as long as she wants. Kanzaki is stunned, but started to accuse him of trying to take advantage on her, which he denies. She thanked him for taking care of her.

Onizuka tell her to stop saying it, as he replied that he want to treat her with ramen. Kanzaki is happy, when suddenly Onizuka' coins falls out from his pocket. He started to collect it as Kanzaki tell him to hurry. He tells her to wait, but as he bowed to get the coins, his butt pushed Kanzaki off the flat. Onizuka turned around to see that Kanzaki had fallen, and started to scream...


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.