Idiot! I wouldn't betray you. I'm too chivalrous. - Eikichi Onizuka.
Lesson #51 - Teacher for life.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 7
Lesson #51 - Teacher for life.

A TV reporter is interviewing (Eikichi) Onizuka, with a lot of students jostling for free TV coverage behind him, including (Kunio) Murai, (Kouji) Fujiyoushi and (Taadaki) Kusano. The reporter asked him if he ever feel scared when he saved (Hidemi) Oota, and Onizuka replied that he hasn't, because he is fearless, and he wanted to find girlfriends. The reporter asked him that she heard that he was shot. Onizuka replied that it's true, but it's only a very small matter, as he is more concerned about Oota, added that he likes happy girls who are rich. The reporter then asked about his ambition, and Onizuka replied that he wanted to become a teacher for life, showing the words below at his arms....


Onizuka Eikichi
22 years old.
Job: The greatest teacher.
Ambition: To find girlfriends.
"Teacher for life"
Onizuka Eikichi
Age: 22 -- Sex: Male
The most respected person: prince Shokotu (as he appeared on the 10000 yen note. What, he didn't anymore?), Eikichi Yazawa (a traveler) and Tiger Mask 1st generation = Satoru Sayama (very strong)


Murai asked Fujiyoushi if he sees what Onizuka had done, and Fujiyoushi replied that Onizuka is crazy. The reporter commented that Onizuka is surely very spirited when it comes to teaching. Onizuka replied that all teachers must have spirits, and reiterated again that he wanted to find girlfriends, and asked the reporter not to censor that 'important' part. He then asked the reporter if he will be given rewards, and the reporter replied that she didn't know.

Switching to the watching teachers at the teacher's room who are watching the interview live, the reporter asked Onizuka again that she heard Onizuka has scored 500 points in the Togaku test. Onizuka replied that it is only a secondary school questions, and as a teacher, if he don't get full marks, it will be an embarrassment and then wondered about the other teacher who has also take the test, whether he get full mark or not. Suddenly Onizuka asked if that part is cut, just to be told that the interview is conducted live. At his desk, (Suguru) Teshigawara is so angry, and started to accuse Onizuka of cheating, as other teachers tried to calm him.

The students are talking about how the injured Onizuka had ever managed to take the test and also scored full mark. He will only live at the hospital for a week, and will get a certificate from the police. Suddenly, Onizuka emerges at the hallway, as all the students are congratulating him. In the 4th class, a celebration is waiting for him. They asked him why he is discharged after a only a week. Onizuka replied that he only wanted to see him all, as (Miyabi) Aizawa and (Saeko) Iijima are disgusted. Onizuka then started the class, just to see that he write the wrong kanji on the blackboard.

As Onizuka is teaching, Murai commented that Onizuka has gone overboard. He then asked (Yoshito) Kikuchi if he is the one who help him to get first place, and how he do it. Kikuchi explained that he make 2 sets of answer sheets, and exchanged it for Onizuka's as he collected the answer sheets. But he is confused, because Onizuka should only have 2 more points than him, but instead he get full mark. Murai wondered if Onizuka get the mark all by himself, just for Kikuchi to show him Onizuka' answer sheets. Murai asked him what had happened, as Kikuchi speculates that someone who wanted Onizuka to stay had helped him.

In the director office, (Ryoko) Sakurai thanked a mysterious person over the phone and promised rewards. As she hanged up, her secretary Itagake asked her if what she had done is the right thing, because she had asked the president of the Togaku council to have Onizuka scored full points for the exam. She asked him not to question her anymore, as she is silent.

At his house, Kikuchi is connecting to the Internet, and started to initiate a chat with one of his cyber friends. Kikuchi write that Onizuka has gotten full mark in the test, and his virtual friend asked him what's wrong with that anyway. He explained about the disparity in marks, and his virtual friend acknowledges him. The virtual friend wondered how actually Onizuka perform, and asked Kikuchi if he feels the same. Kikuchi is silent, and started to mark Onizuka' answers sheet. After he marked the last question, he is stunned, wondering what has happened.

Suddenly he hears Onizuka calling him from below. He asked him what has happened, and Onizuka replied that he couldn’t make the mosaic on the porn pics he downloaded from the Internet disappear, and he need his expertise. As they ride Onizuka' motorcycle to the school, Kikuchi asked him how many points he scored actually in the test. Onizuka replied that he score full points, as Kikuchi smiles. Police then chases them, presumably because he only wore his underwear.

At the school, an angry Teshigawara is teaching a class, while suddenly he breaks the chalk. As he collected the chalk, he hears the students commented about his face, and how hard he is to accept that Onizuka and Kikuchi have beaten him, a Tokyo University graduate. Suddenly, he walked to the student who had said just that, and slapped her hard, shocking the whole class. In the next scene, he is suspended for inflicting injury. As he walked away, Aizawa and Iijima looked at him commented that he is the only one that could make Onizuka gone, but now has to disappear.

In a dark room, a girl (Urumi Kanzaki) is watching TV. Suddenly, her room' door opened, and Aizawa and Iijima walked at her. They then (presumably) tell her about Onizuka, and asked her if she will do it, as Kanzaki is silent.....


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.