Wouldn't it be shameful for a teacher not to get a perfect score....? Hahahaha - Eikichi Onizuka.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 5
Lesson #38 - That bastard that knows everything.
(Webmaster note: This chapter is the factor why I like vol.5 the most, from all volumes I have)


(Eikichi) Onizuka is whistling when he urinating, while the shivering (Hiroshi) Uchiyamada is pissing stones now. Suddenly, Onizuka talked about his journey from a friend's home on the Seibunshinjuku train, shocking Uchiyamada. Onizuka then complained about it was too crowded, but there are some girls in it, so it was quite fun. He then asked if Uchiyamada also board the Shinjuku train that moved from Iruma to Kamishokuji at 6.25 am. Uchiyamada' shivering started to increase, and he missed his urine bowl too. Onizuka then commented that today weather is excellent, and a good time to ride bicycles at the park.

Suddenly, Onizuka exclaimed that he forgot about something, and to Uchiyamada' horror, Onizuka gave him his attaché bag, that he said was dropped by him. He then added that it take him some time to get it back from the police. As Onizuka washing his hands, he then delivered the final blow to Uchiyamada, saying that if Uchiyamada want to grope little girls, he had to be careful in the future. Uchiyamada is reeling with humiliation, fear and nervousness all at the same time.

He started to see the news headlines.....


Forkus: A real story with real names in it.
Is he fit enough to be a teacher? --- A PRINCIPAL OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL --- Caught for outraging a woman' modesty.

It had continued for a year??? (with Uchiyamada's picture of him being taken to jail, and also of him being taken from Kichiyouji Private School)

"Will he harass me forever?" Yes...he will. This man above had sexually harassed the same girl, everyday for a year. His name is Uchiyamada (51 years old), the disciplinary teacher of the prestigious Kichiyouji Private School. Everyday, he took the Seibunshinjuku train from Iruma to Kamishokuji at 6.25 am, inside the 3rd car. He then will fondle a woman, Miss A who worked at a K supermarket in Shinjuku. The woman stands at the 3rd car 2nd door virtually on the same spot everyday. Because she was harassed everyday, she makes a report to catch the trash that destroyed the good name of the profession of education.

The most famous pervert??? (with Uchiyamada's picture of him grappling a fellow female teacher without her consent when he was drunk)

"He is a peeping pervert. Every time a photocopy document was sent to him, his eyes will stare at the waist, and then he will deliberately drop the photocopied documents, so he can stare at the cleavage - Fellow teacher, C-sensei"
"He like to go to theme bars. There's a time, when he selected a waitress wearing a lamp costume. His preferences are so unique. Hahahaha - Fellow teacher, F-sensei"
"The director and the headmaster who like his attentiveness, was disliked by his co-workers, said a fellow worker who doesn't want to be identified. There's one time at a staff' vacation, when he get drunk and barged into the women toilet, surprising all the female teachers inside it. He also forced his fellow workers to drink alcohol, and then started to stalk them. He was disliked by the female teachers, and we male teachers do too."

There was such person in the education system?? (1st picture: Miss A, eyes been blackened; 2nd picture: O-sensei picture, eyes been blackened)
(1st picture caption: The victim, Miss A, telling her horror stories of being harassed for one year)
(2nd picture caption: "As a fellow teacher, I won't forgive such hideous acts". A co-worker, O-sensei (22 years old), who watched everything.)

  • "Other than that, last year, he wore those rabbit-costumes (webmaster note: Like those bunny girls are wearing), and shows his penis. If he was drunk, he will do anything."
  • " You're asking about Mr. Uchiyamada? He is a real bastard. He likes to fondle breast as a greeting, and all the waitress here called him a 'Woman chaser from a river' (laugh). That's maybe why he is groping the same woman for a year" - A bar owner.
  • " I'm really shocked, that the always-serious disciplinary principal will have the guts to fondle a little woman, and maybe he gropes her very hard. Thinking about that, I will get goose bumps,” said a fellow teacher, O-sensei (webmaster note: guess who O-sensei is ) who have only started to work with him earlier at the year. He added " I still remember the time when I asked him about the rules of education, it's so shameful. I hope, when he went out of jail, he will change his habits. Nowadays, there's a lot of people who like to tarnish the good name of education, so the holy job of teaching should be given to younger teachers"

- A report from Hako Yoshihara.


He then started to imagine...


THE MOST EVIL THING THAT HAPPENED IN THE TEACHING PROFESSION- A principal of a prestigious private school is a sex maniac who like to harass women in trains.

In the first panel: -
Lots of reporters lay siege upon Uchiyamada house.
Reporters: Principal Uchiyamada, What's your comment? As a teacher, don't you feel guilty when you harassed that woman?
TV announcer: There're shocking rumors, that a principal of a prestigious school, harassed a woman inside a full train, for a year. No one ever guess that such hideous acts could happen inside the holy profession of teaching.

In the second + third panel: -
O-sensei (the witness + co-worker, NO NEED TO GUESS WHO HE IS ^_^) being interviewed by a TV announcer.
O-sensei: All of us was shocked when we first heard about it, because we always have respect for him. Who knows that his dedication is just a farce? And when he slipped his hand inside that girl' skirt, we have it enough.
O-sensei: He is surely a shameless man. But actually I felt pity for him, that maybe his family had troubles.
O-sensei: Lots of people speaks about him being under heavy stress. And he is urinating blood too.
O-sensei: If he comes to me earlier, these things won't happen. I pity him, and that's the truth.

Other panels: -
Things been thrown in inside Uchiyamada home, and people outside demanded him to drop dead.
Yoshiko Uchiyamada: I can't stand this.
Yoshiko Uchiyamada: It's so shameful. I don't want to go to the school anymore. Why are you being so quiet, say something bald man.
Riyoko Uchiyamada: (bringing a knife out) what do you want? The saying is true after all.
Riyoko Uchiyamada: From 10 bald men, 9 are perverts.
Riyoko Uchiyamada: A person like you, better die.
Riyoko Uchiyamada: (stabbing Uchiyamada countless times) Die Die Die Die.....

..... as he fade into oblivion.


In the next scene, Uchiyamada is barging through (Ryoko) Sakurai' office. She was puzzled, and told him that the emergency teacher's meeting hasn’t started yet. Then, she was shocked to see Uchiyamada kneeling before her. Sakurai asked him what have happened. Uchiyamada replied, if Onizuka were to be fired, she has to fire him first, surprising Sakurai herself. She then asked why, as he is the one who really wanted Onizuka to be fired. Uchiyamada suddenly interjected that even Onizuka is not mature enough as a teacher, it's only 2 months, it's hard to judge his character by such a short time (webmaster note: he mis-speak several times here).

He reiterated that there're so many problems in teaching profession now, either from the students or teachers. He then added, that he actually jealous of Onizuka unique teaching methods, and his relationships with the students, and now he, Uchiyamada will declare, that maybe only Onizuka could change the scenario of teaching nowadays. And he himself had actually started to love Onizuka himself. Sakurai is silent. Uchiyamada then added, if Onizuka were fired, the school would lose the most. Not only the school but also his future :) Sakurai just stared at him suspiciously.

Sakurai commented that she never thought Uchiyamada could have such thoughts. She remarked that hiring people like Onizuka is a high-risk maneuver for herself and the school. As Uchiyamada now also have the same thought as her, it will be a morale-booster. She then told Uchiyamada to stand up, saying that both of them could create the best ever environment in Kichiyouji for the students. She then called to ask for the emergency meeting to be cancelled, as now she had Uchiyamada' support.

A very angry Uchiyamada is riding his bicycles toward the children playground. There, he stomped over a sand castle made by the kids in fury, as he cursed Onizuka. He exclaimed that he never felt such humiliation in his life. He then started to devise some plans to kill Onizuka: --



    1. When Onizuka is sleeping, cover him with a sack, beat him up and bury him at Chichibu Hill
    2. When Onizuka is urinating, he will wait at the toilet, strangle him until he died, and bury him at Chichibu Hill.
    3. When Onizuka is sleeping, stab him with the meat cutter from the Home Education room, and bury him at Chichibu Hill.
    4. Uchiyamada deliberately put a 100-yen coin on the floor, when Onizuka wanted to collect it, ram him with the line-maker machine from the sport room, and bury him at Chichibu Hill.
    5. When Onizuka savors the beauty of nature at the school roof, stomp on him using the soccer studs, and buries him at Chichibu Hill.


At the teacher's room, the teachers were in a big uproar over the cancellation of the emergency meeting. A teacher says it's because Uchiyamada personally asked Sakurai not to fire Onizuka. Some teachers don’t believe him, but the teacher countered that Uchiyamada was crying and kneeling when he made the request, shocking everyone. (Azusa) Fuyutsuki just smiles when she heard the rumors, as another teacher is staring at her.....


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.