I'm definitely going to be raped. I'm going to become that blonde parasite's wife. Then, just like in The Fly . . I'll give birth to the "next generation" - Hikita Ruruka.
Lesson #36: An advice to fire.

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Great Teacher Onizuka volume 5
Lesson #36: An advice to fire.

After the contest was over, (Tomoko) Nomura was being mobbed by a lot of people. A journalist congratulate her for winning the judge' special award, while another one commented that her adlib was very good. There are others who wanted to take pictures, interviews and autographs, as she sheepishly answered it all. Suddenly, she heard her name called, and were mobbed by her classmates who also said basically the same thing. Someone commented that Nomura have more crowds around her compared to the winner, which was cuter of course, but will started to act in porn videos in 3 years.

(Kunio) Murai commented that (Eikichi) Onizuka had given Nomura a chance to really show what she capable to do, as (Kouji) Fujiyoushi agreed. He started to praise Onizuka just to find out that he had gone, shocking them. Suddenly at the corner, Onizuka and (Yoshito) Kikuchi was seen selling Nomura' home-made merchandise, such as posters, stickers and dolls, as lots of people started to buy everything they have, much to Murai and Fujiyoushi' chagrin. An angry (Miyabi) Aizawa can only looked at Nomura and Onizuka, along with (Saeko) Iijima and (Chikako) Shirai.

Both of them started to calm the angry Aizawa, saying that Onizuka must have done something for Nomura to win. Iijima added that Nomura is a stupid girl with large breasts anyway. Suddenly, Aizawa shoved Shirai, screaming that Shirai don't have to pretend that she is sympathetic to her, because she had never get past the preliminary round anyway. Iijima was shocked, and Shirai' face started to change. Aizawa realized that she had screwed up, started to apologize, and quickly took off. As she ran, she heard some of her classmates complaining about her of being too cruel, wondering if that was her real face all along, as Shirai seems to be pissed at Aizawa' remarks earlier. At her home, Aizawa was throwing things in her room, cursing at Onizuka for embarrassing her at the contest, and she will take her revenge on him someday.

At Nomura' family shop, Onizuka was treating his class with ramen, with the money he got from the sale of Nomura's merchandise at the venue. All the students are praising her for her excellent performance, as Nomura thanked them. Nomura's father even didn't believe what he has heard. Kikuchi commented that Onizuka efforts had made the class famous, even that Onizuka appearance wasn't like of what a teacher has. He then noticed Onizuka counting the money they got, wondering how much he will get if he can secure the right to sell her merchandise, and giving some of it to Kikuchi. Kikuchi smiles as Nomura looked on Onizuka silently.

In the next scene, everybody were saying goodbye to Nomura. As Onizuka wanted to take off, she called him, and started to thank Onizuka for what he has done. Onizuka started to suspect something, as Nomura replied that he had sacrificed much for her. Kikuchi had told her that because that she had few friends, Onizuka stepped in to help. So then she wanted to know how could she reward him for what he had done. Onizuka then countered that he didn't do anything, except selling her merchandise, as all of that things happened because of her own efforts. Onizuka then added that he profits a lot from her too, so she don't have to do anything to return his favor. Nomura is silent.

Suddenly, Nomura told him that she wanted to give him a present, and she asked him if he will received it. Puzzled, Onizuka replied that he would accept it. Suddenly, Nomura lifted her skirt to reveal her panties. A note written on it "Pull me". Nomura says that she hope Onizuka would like it. Onizuka is silent. Nomura started to panic seeing him that way, and started to explain that Kikuchi told him that Onizuka really liked 'presents' like this. Suddenly, Onizuka replied, that such 'presents' wouldn’t be enough to please him. Nomura is puzzled, as Onizuka explained that presents that would suit him is like this, as he removed his pants and pulled up his underwear so high it only covered his anus hole. Onizuka remarked that Iijima (webmaster note: I don't think he's talking about Saeko Iijima, but I don't know what it means) used to have this style before. Nomura started to laugh, as she pointed out that Onizuka have shit on his ass, much to his fury.

Nearby, the embarrassed Murai, Kusano and Fujiyoushi just looked at them, while Kikuchi smiles. As Onizuka is threatening Nomura, Murai complained that Onizuka had really passed the chance. Kikuchi then remarked that maybe, Onizuka could bring back the old times. He then asked Murai, if Onizuka continued to become the 4th class homeroom teacher, the happy times like in the past would come back. Just when teachers and students could have good time together just like in the 2nd year 4th class.

At the director' office, (Hiroshi) Uchiyamada is reporting about Onizuka behaviors earlier. He then wanted (Ryoko) Sakurai to fire him, as Onizuka behaviors had become unacceptable, and the school will be destroyed if he was here. Furthermore, all the male teachers don’t like him either. Suddenly Sakurai turned, and told him that she will consider his request, so an emergency teacher's meeting will be conducted tomorrow. Uchiyamada then turned a big smile. At the toilet, Uchiyamada is now pissing well, even the 'stone' inside went out easily. He smiles, thinking that Onizuka will be fired for sure, as Onizuka was doing Tai chi exercise at the field.


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.