Idiot! I wouldn't betray you. I'm too chivalrous. - Eikichi Onizuka.

Lesson #184 - The unforgettable acts of violence.


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Lesson #184 - The unforgettable acts of violence.

A TV in an unidentified restaurant is carrying the kidnapping scene news in the channel's newsflash. The channels reports that the main suspect in the kidnapping attempt has been identified and the suspect is the homeroom teacher for the hostage herself named (Miyabi) Aizawa. The kidnapper, which is identified as (Eikichi) Onizuka is now being probed by the police to find out the motives for the kidnapping attempt. A mysterious man (webmaster note: the very same man in the middle of lesson #180) is puzzled as he watched at the report while the reports continued reporting about Onizuka's strange request for Aizawa's father to commit suicide.

Back to the kidnapping scene, Onizuka started to laugh hysterically asking Aizawa's father to hurry up making his mind, and he adds that he can choose between his life or his daughter's. Aizawa herself started to become embarrassed as Onizuka screamed again asking her father to act fast without delay if he is really a man.

Meanwhile, (Yoshito) Kikuchi arrived at the scene and is greeted by both (Urumi) Kanzaki and (Tomoko) Nomura. The reporter is now commenting that it is the first ever case where a teacher from a prestigious private school is kidnapping his own student. Kikuchi asked both of them on the development of the case, and Kanzaki replied that Onizuka has become wilder, screaming for Aizawa's father to commit suicide using the police's gun. Onizuka can be heard screaming bloody murder as Kikuchi is shocked to hear Kanzaki's explanation.

Back to the commotion, a policeman asked Onizuka whether his kidnapping motives have anything to do with Aizawa's father at all, and tells him to release the hostage ASAP, but Onizuka lashed at him, screaming for the bald policeman to shut up because he is now talking with Aizawa's father. He then asked Aizawa's father to say something, reiterating the fact that everything that have happened is purely his own fault. Onizuka then asked Aizawa's mother whether he is right, and continued saying that since he (Aizawa's father) is the head of the family, he shouldn't have such a stupid thing that caused his family to disintegrate.

Onizuka asked Aizawa's father again whether he knows that his daughter has always been absent from school for quite some time, and he doesn't even care about his own wife's disappearance. Onizuka fired yet another question to Aizawa's father, asking what kind of father he is, and Aizawa's father replied that he is actually worried too with what have happened because of his heavy workload. Aizawa is silent when she hears her, as her father continued, saying that he is unable to even apply for a leave when his parents falls sick some time back, thus what is he chance anyway to look after his wife that have ran away.

Hearing that, Onizuka lashed at him, asking whether he still didn't realize that his daughter has been kidnapped and he suddenly speculates that he (Aizawa's father) is actually afraid to return home. Onizuka started to smile, and exclaimed that he will explain what he has said. He then says that Aizawa's father is afraid to return home because he doesn't want to face the fact that his family is in the brink of destruction, and also the reality that even he have a very successful career, his family is far from being a happy family.

Suddenly, Aizawa cuts Onizuka out, and tells her father to just commit suicide, shocking Onizuka. She continued, saying that it is useless to have a father like him anyway. Aizawa's mother, who is stunned to hear her, exclaimed to Aizawa that she shouldn't speak such words, but Aizawa is now keeping her silence.

After some time, Aizawa's father suddenly spoke out, saying that he never realized that he is a very bad father, so much that even his own daughter dared to say such words in front of him. He then pointed the gun to his head, shocking both his wife and daughter. He then continued, saying that Aizawa is right about him being a very bad father.

He commented that the word "father" is truly a divine title to have, and even that he is always busy with his workload and never take a look or care about his own family, he can still be disturbed with what his daughter have said. His wife started to be worried with what he have said, but he replied to her that what Onizuka has said earlier is right, that he is actually afraid to confront reality that he is the one that destroyed his own family. He continued, saying that he has always find excuses to evade that reality, but he tells Aizawa that at least she must believe that since she was born and when she called him "father" for the first time, he will always thinks that he will surely sacrifice his life for her. Even that if she is involved in any mishap, he will surely sacrificed himself to save her.

Aizawa is stunned to hear him, and she started to have a flashback where her entire family is going to a park when she is still little. There, she finds an abandoned tricycle, and rides it even that his father has told her not to because the park is so dangerous. She didn't realized that she had strayed into the path of a speeding truck, much to her parents' shock, and in the nick of time, her father managed to just save her from being rammed by the truck. The truck driver then lashed at her father for not keeping his daughter in check as Aizawa's mother who are now worried ran toward them asking about their conditions.

Aizawa stammered when she remembered that event, as Aizawa's father says that her words have caused him to remember about that very feeling. Aizawa then remember the scene after that event, about how she playfully says that she wants to marry him when she becomes an adult, and she insisted even that her father replied that she can't. Meanwhile, both (Kouji) Fujiyoushi and (Kunio) Murai desperately asked Onizuka to tell Aizawa's father not to commit suicide, because he is now holding a real gun, but Onizuka ignored them.

Aizawa's father thanked Aizawa, adding that if the soul of a dead people still roams the world even after death, he will surely protect her forever. Aizawa stammered, as she asked her father not to do it, and she suddenly jumped forward from Onizuka's grasp towards the ground, screaming for her father not to pull the trigger. She is too late though, because her father has already pulled the trigger, putting everyone in the scene in terror…

Everyone gasped, when suddenly Aizawa's father is shown being very surprised as he looks at the gun in his hand. Onizuka started to chuckle, and he exclaimed that Aizawa's father has surely taken a very brave decision. He shows the bullets in his hand, and Kikuchi is very surprised to see what Onizuka has done. Onizuka started to laugh, saying that his job is now finished; a moral education lecture conducted by Onizuka-sensei. He doesn't realize that a pair or arms is just about to reach him from above, as Onizuka boasted that happiness has already returned to Aizawa's family.

The arms suddenly grabbed Onizuka at the neck, causing him a lot of pain. The police started to announce that the 'terrorist' has been arrested. Onizuka tried to protest, saying that his neck is in pain and that the police misunderstands his intentions, but the police ignored his pleas and accused him instead as a fanatical terrorist. Onizuka tried to explain his innocence when suddenly he finds out that he started to bleed.

Meanwhile, Aizawa has already landed on the ground, and she calls out for her parents. She started to cry, and she hugs her father while her mother looks at them while smiling. Looking at Aizawa and her parents, the media started to report, wondering whether the kidnapping attempt is just a fake, as Kikuchi, Kanzaki and Nomura can only looks on. Meanwhile, Onizuka is being taken away by the police as he started to scream for Aizawa to stop hugging her parents and explain to the police that the kidnapping is just a fake. As the commotion started to cease, the mysterious man from the restaurant is shown watching what have happened from afar.

In the next morning, an angry (Misuzu) Daimon, accompanied by the 3 principles are staring at the bruised Onizuka who are wearing a scarf with the word "I LOVE EDUCATION" (literal translation) written on it. (Hiroshi) Uchiyamada walked forward and swiped the scarf away from Onizuka's head. He then screamed at him, asking on how dare he wearing that scarf after what he have done last night. Onizuka sheepishly tried to explain that what have happened is just a field trip, and upon hearing that, Uchiyamada lashed at him, asking whether Onizuka has ever finds another teacher who kidnapped a student and then claimed the event as a mere field trip.

Onizuka tried to protest, saying that Aizawa have an unmanageable family problem, and Uchiyamada lashed at him again, saying that Onizuka should have just left their family problems to themselves. (Azusa) Fuyutsuki can only watched the Onizuka-Uchiyamada bickering, as Onizuka countered, saying that at least their family has patched up their differences now, and he started to laugh. Uchiyamada become angrier when he sees Onizuka laughing and he scolded him, saying that a lot of people have called the school after the incident happens.

Daimon then interjected, telling Onizuka that he still doesn't realize the severity of the things he have done, and that it can't just be solved just like that. Onizuka is puzzled to hear her, and asked on what she is talking about. Daimon replied that she has to do that thing, and she makes a signal of a severed neck, adding that he has been fired. She continued that he have to go now from the school.

Onizuka is stunned to hear what she have said, and he can only stands up slowly and walked toward the door. He shuts the door out while being watched by the principals and Fuyutsuki started to heave a sigh of relief. Suddenly Onizuka barged right back in and screams right in front of Fuyutsuki's face, asking on why she doesn't says anything good to Daimon as his defense. He continued, that she should at least say something that will move everyone's heart in the room so that he can continue working at the school.

Fuyutsuki protested, saying that what Daimon has said about the severity of the incident is true, and personally she herself thinks that Onizuka must be exiled from the country at least, and that being fired from the school is actually not enough. Daimon smiled after she hears her, as Onizuka becomes angrier, telling her that at least she should shows the 'love' between co-workers. He added that if she didn't at least do just that, the times which they have spent together is now useless.

Suddenly, a voice exclaimed that Onizuka may not need to be fired, shocking Onizuka, Fuyutsuki and Daimon. They turns around to see (Ryoko) Sakurai, and she continued, saying that Aizawa's father has attended the board of directors' meeting earlier in the day, and he had asked the board not to fire Onizuka. Aizawa's father had also puts in a large amount of donations before the meeting is over.

Daimon is puzzled to hear her, and Sakurai continued, saying that Aizawa's father has actually doused the controversy out from the last-night incident by playing the string within his contacts among the senators and police officers. Sakurai then laughed, telling Onizuka that Aizawa's father seems to regard him highly. Daimon countered, saying that the mass media will not just let the incident go, but Sakurai countered, saying that she already has plans to deal with the media.

She then shows a TV report the scene of Aizawa hugging her father, and exclaimed that the board of directors has unanimously decided not to fire Onizuka. She then puts a file holder on the table, and exclaimed that the students also don't want Onizuka to be fired. She asked Daimon to look at the file, which contained the signatures of all the students in the school as a petition against Onizuka's dismissal. Sakurai then asked Daimon whether the students will still believe on her if she just fired the teacher that is loved by the students of the whole school.

Hearing what she have said, Onizuka started to weep in joy and asked Sakurai whether he will be promoted as a permanent homeroom teacher, but Sakurai replied that Onizuka should remember that he is just a mere temporary teacher that was nearly being fired earlier. She then continued, saying that Onizuka will be punished by cleaning the school's pond and cutting the grass around the school and in front of the director's office. Onizuka is shocked to hear her, and protested that the pond is full with frog's eggs. Daimon is seething in anger as Sakurai countered that Onizuka can choose between cleaning the pond or being fired, and Onizuka started to back-off.

Daimon breaks the pencil in her hand as (Shiro) Shibuya looks from outside the room. She then walked away at the hallway while cursing Sakurai for only punishing Onizuka with standard student's punishment for such a severe incident. She and Shibuya then arrived at the server room, and she swears that she will surely find a way to expel Onizuka and Sakurai from the school, and Shibuya is silent as he listened to her.

Meanwhile, a disgruntled Onizuka is taking a butterfly net with him as he walks to the pond. He cursed Sakurai for bullying him, and started to plan a punishment for her. Suddenly, the mysterious man from the restaurant appeared and asked Onizuka whether he is really the Year 3 4th class homeroom teacher. Onizuka is puzzled and asked on who he is. The mysterious man then introduced himself as Toimasu Ogi, the former homeroom teacher for the Year 2 4th class, much to the shock of Onizuka. The man then tells Onizuka that he have something to tell Onizuka, and asked whether he can spend some time with him because they are about to talk something important about Aizawa.

Aizawa meanwhile is shown leaning on her study table thinking about something…


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.