But that chick did some bad stuff and so I thought I would torture her a bit, ah, no, give her a sermon.... - Eikichi Onizuka.
Lesson #172-The Fallen Angel

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Lesson #172-The Fallen Angel

Outside the school auditorium,(Ai) Tokiwa is being confronted with the Devil Animals Club members who want to take revenge.They are talking about how to rape her.The leader of the gang then asks one of the injured members if they can do anything to her.He replies yes and say she must be taught a lesson for thinking she can defeat men.They then take out a videocam and start to tape the process.Suddenly,they are interrrupted by (Hajime) Fukuroda who asks them what are they doing.He is shocked to see the expelled students with 8 armed gangsters. (Tadaashi) Sakurai calls Fukuroda to get help and call the police.One of the gangsters approach Fukuroda and tells him to stay out of this.The gangster then flips the knife he’s holding to Fukuroda’s face and Fukuroda acts as he was dealt a blow and quickly runs away.

They then say they can go on with raping of Tokiwa.She tries to kick one of the gangsters but he evades it.She tries to kick a few more times but to no avail.The gangster catches one of Tokiwa’s leg and lifts it up to see her panties.She tries to kick him with her other leg but it was also caught by the gangster and he over turns Tokiwa making the other gangster laugh.The gangster holding Tokiwa is surprised to see (Eikithi) Onizuka behind him and asks if he’s a teacher too.He laughs and tells the others there a gangster teacher.The gangster is surprised when Onizuka says he wants to save Tokiwa.The gangster warns him to stay out of this or he’ll also beat him up.Onizuka then punches him in the face making him fly to the pillar and dropping Tokiwa.The other gangsters are shocked.

Onizuka then runs around Tokiwa ,Sakurai and Fukuroda saying they’ve been beaten up and the school is facing a serious problem.He then says to Sakurai and Fukuroda to protect the school together because they are teachers and lifts up the injured gangster.One of the other gangsters try to attack him telling him to stay out of this because it’s between them and Tokiwa but he is kicked in the groin by Onizuka.Onizuka tells them as long as the school pays him,anything that happens to his students concerns him and he’ll protect his students from harm.

He then taunts the other gangsters saying who are next to make his marks deducted.One of the gangsters tell him not to show off and tells him to get away or he’ll cut him into pieces.Suddenly,Onizuka pulls down his pants revealing his underwear.He tells him to wash his underwear as it is so dirty and warns him if he wants to beat up his students he’ll have to wait 1000 years later.He tries to slash Onizuka with a knife but he evades it making him angry.He tapes to knife to each of his hands and tells Onizuka he’ll show off his best skill the ‘Butterfly punch’.Onizuka shows off his butt to him making him even angrier.

Tokiwa who’s watching all this is shocked that Onizuka is saving her from the gangsters.She runs off.Meanwhile,Fukuroda has reached the school gate and tries to call the police.He is hit by a skateboard by (Mayu) Wakui making unconscious.He tells Fukuroda not to disrupt this fun day by calling the police.He then tells (Yoshito) Kikuchi that it’s not the right time to take revenge as the problem is more serious.

In the toilet,Tokiwa is telling herself she’s invincible and she not afraid of men.She writes down ‘I’m not scared of men’and ‘I’m the strongest’ repeatedly on the toilet walls.She makes a spear using a pole and taping the knife to the stick.She is surprised when Yoshito asks her if she is going to fight with men her whole life until she’s defeated.She tries to slash Yoshito but he catches the spear .She tries to punch him but he also catches her punch.Yoshito then notices the word written by Tokiwa on the toilet wall.and he releases her.Tokiwa then tries to stab Yoshito but stops.She tells him not to pretend clever when he doesn’t know what happened.Yoshito tells her that taking revenge will only make her lonely.

Outside the school auditorium,Onizuka is beating up the gangsters.He tells them he doesn’t really hate them but now he cares for his students more.The people in the auditorium starts to notice the fight outside and tries to see what’s happening.Suddenly,the door is locked by (Azusa) Fuyutsuki hopes that they will believe in Onizuka.


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.