From now on I'm gonna live life with a fighting spirit! - Eikichi Onizuka.

Lesson #160 – The enemy that worths 200 points.


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Lesson #160 – The enemy that worths 200 points.

(Hiroshi) Uchiyamada is playing Pac-Man on his PDA, while the other 2 principals are praising (Misuzu) Daimon for being able to become a popular figure amongst the student by giving them the PDA, and also managed to chase (Eikichi) Onizuka out from his ‘penthouse”. They then asked Uchiyamada whether the things that they had said earlier are true, just to find out that he is smiling broadly. He started to laugh as he commented on how the ‘cockroach” was being chased out from his penthouse, and one of the principals wondered whether the rumor that “Onizuka had fallen in love with a daughter of a very sorry man” is true. Hearing that, Uchiyamada started to laugh louder, and tried to switch the topic away from it.

Suddenly, the principals are shocked when they see the truck that (Ryuji) Danma had given to Onizuka, pasted with various posters of sexy girls. Uchiyamada started to scream, wondering on how such an ugly truck is present on the school compound and started to rightly accuse Onizuka about it. Others started to echo his sentiments, and Uchiyamada started to curse Onizuka for putting such an ugly object inside the school. He then opened the container door behind the truck, and he is appalled to see lots of things that Onizuka had stolen from the school inventory, including the old sofa for the headmaster’s room and he commented angrily that Onizuka’s new room is more lavish than the one at the “penthouse” and he also started to curse Onizuka for misusing school facilities, screaming for him to come out. He then walked around the truck, trying to find Onizuka as the 2 principals tried to stop him.

Suddenly, one of the principals hears a voice saying that he wants to kill him, and the principals turned just to see a bleeding yakuza member armed with a gun charging at them. The principals are puzzled as they wondered on how a yakuza member is present in the school compound. The yakuza member screamed, vowed that he will take revenge on his uncle’s death, and started to scream at the 3 principals. All the principals started to become scared, as they asked between themselves on why the yakuza member is attacking them recklessly with his gun, and one of them tried to tell the yakuza member that he is inside a school compound. The yakuza ignored them and screamed that he will kill for his uncle’s death, and the scared principals started to weep and tried to cover themselves as they tell the yakuza member that they didn’t know the yakuza member’s uncle. They are ignored again as the yakuza started to shoot at them, and the principals screams in terror, with one of them screaming that he is dying.

As they are squirming in “pain”, another voice tells the principals not to block his view at the movie, adding that the story about a character that wanted to take revenge is thrilling. The shocked principals turned around, just to see Onizuka and his clan members staring at them, with a projector hooked to a PlayStation2 console playing a movie with the side of the truck as the screen. Onizuka lashed at them for ruining the movie, and the stunned principals looked at the yakuza member again who still keep shooting and started to become puzzled. Onizuka asked (Kunio) Murai to rewind the movie a little bit, while Uchiyamada who had realized on what had happened started to become angry.

He then screamed right on Onizuka face asking him on what he is doing and Onizuka camly replied that he is watching movies. Uchiyamada become angrier, and tells Onizuka that civilized people doesn’t watch movies about yakuza gangs in broad daylight. He then asked Onizuka whether he takes the projector from AV room, and Onizuka replied that he’s done nothing wrong because he doesn’t steal it (borrowing). Hearing that, Uchiyamada lashed at him, saying that Onizuka’s conduct is akin to stealing. Then, he asked about who let him to park the truck at the school compound, and also using the school electricity, water and gas supplies. Onizuka added that he also use the school telephone lines, angering Uchiyamada.

Suddenly, Onizuka exclaimed that he knows on why Uchiyamada is so angry, and he started to accuse Uchiyamada of being frustrated because Onizuka doesn’t show Uchiyamada’s favorite pornographic videos. Onizuka started to grin devilishly, as the sheepish Uchiyamada tried to ask Onizuka on what he is talking about. Onizuka ignored him, and commented that he will play a pornographic DVD right now that featured lots of famous porn stars (webmaster note: The translation is vague here) because Uchiyamada also likes pornographic movies. Uchiyamada refuted his accusation, and upon hearing that, Onizuka asked him whether Uchiyamada likes pornographic movies starred by a certain porn star (webmaster note: The name is probably removed from my copy) as (Urumi) Kanzaki commented that even Uchiyamada is now an old man, he is still a pervert. Hearing Onizuka’s question, Uchiyamada becomes angry, saying that the time is not appropriate to discuss such issues.

While both of them bickers, Daimon suddenly appears from a window and marvels at Onizuka’s creativeness on building an outdoor cinema, shocking Onizuka. She then wondered on why Onizuka doesn’t use his “creativeness” on his lessons. The sheepish Onizuka then started to greet her, saying that the weather today is very good, as he asked Murai to keep all the peripherals tucked away. Daimon laughed, saying that after being demoted to a secondary homeroom teacher, Onizuka surely have lots of free time in his hands. She then commented that she sees that Onizuka still doesn’t have the mentality of a teacher, and warned him that such attitude will eventually resulted on his dismissal (webmaster note: or so I thought). Hearing that, Onizuka started to laugh too, saying that what he had done is one of his ways to communicate with his students. Daimon then asked whether watching yakuza movies can be considered as a communication process, and the sheepish Onizuka replied that such ways can be considered as one, and he started to make excuses for it.

Suddenly, Daimon started to look at her notes and the tells the puzzled Onizuka that he will be docked 10 points taking school properties without permission. Onizuka asked her on what she is doing, and she replied that she is deducting his points, in line of the new merit system that will ultimately decide on how much salary a teacher will get. She then explained to the sweating Onizuka that the amount of salary that a teacher will get will depend on the points the teacher have. For example, if a teacher have 100 points, his or her salary will multiply a lot, and vice versa if the points is less (-100 = zero salary). She then asked Onizuka whether he understands the system, and commented that Onizuka now have 10% less of his salary.

Onizuka started to become angry, asking on why Daimon must implement such a system, and tells her that he had to pay for his suite to Danma at the end of the month. He continued, saying that if the situation continues, he will have no money left to eat. Daimon then replied that Onizuka should then work harder to earn points up more than +100, and Onizuka asked her whether she could delay her new system to a new time in the future. Hearing that, Daimon replied that he decision had been taken, and an e-mail notification will be sent to all teachers and she asked the shocked Onizuka to read it carefully. She then hoped that Onizuka will score more points, and advised him not to make his salary level to drop to zero. She then walked away as Onizuka tried futilely to call her back to tell her that she should only dock 5% of his salary just like what the Japanese tax system is doing, while Uchiyamada is trying hard to suppress his laughter.

In the next scene, Onizuka is walking at the hallway with his clan members as he cursed at the new merit system. He then sees that Daimon had sent the notification e-mail, and he continued saying that such a system will surely starve him as he cursed Daimon again. Suddenly (Yoshito) Kikuchi smiled, saying that such system is actually very good, and commented that if Onizuka managed to stabilize his point level, his salary will be consistent. Another e-mail arrived that tells about his points update, and the first entry is that Onizuka is docked 5 points for coloring his hair. Other entries then says that Onizuka’s points are also docked by offences like being sleepy in class, spitting in public, sitting in a vulgar way and more. Onizuka started to froze as he read the long list while Murai started to laugh, saying that Onizuka will surely get –100 and will get zero salary for the month. Onizuka is shocked to hear him, and started to shake him up while cursing at him for laughing at him. He then asked Murai on the meaning of what he had said earlier, and Kikuchi interjected that it means that Onizuka will be fired and warned him that harming a student physically will cost him 50 points. He then continued, saying that Daimon new system is excellent and it’s usually used as a method to reduce workforce by using unseen vicious pressure. Kanzaki agreed with him, saying that such methods are popular in organizations in industrial sector.

Onizuka becomes angry when he hears Kikuchi and Kanzaki’s explanations. He then commented that he will not relent to the pressure after trying so hard to become a teacher at a prestigious private school and started to see the e-mail that outlines the methods on what he can do to make 100 points. He then sees the list for 100 points, which includes scoring high marks in an IQ test and winning medals in Olympics, and he screams, saying that he will not be able to do any of the things in the “100 points” list. He shakes Murai again, asking on how Murai will repay his losses, when suddenly (Kouji) Fujiyoushi interjected, asking Onizuka to see an entry in the list. The entry reads that anyone who can coerce a student who are absent from the school (who had autism??)more than 1 year will get 100 points.

Onizuka weeps, saying that it’s the only thing he can do now, and added that he still have a new hope. He continued, saying that if he can coerce Kanzaki who was an autism girl herself to come to the school, he should be able to do it on other students. Kanzaki becomes angry when she hears that, but Onizuka ignored her and asked the rest of his clan’s members to find a student that fits the description given in the e-mail entry. Fujiyoushi asked him whether he didn’t know that only a student is left that fits the description in the e-mail entry. Onizuka started to get excited, and asked about the student’s class and stuff and (Taadaki) Kusano asked him whether he really don’t know. He then tells Onizuka that the student they are talking about comes from their own class, shocking Onizuka while Fujiyoushi commented that Onizuka surely deserved to be docked some more points.

In the next scene, Onizuka is staring at the name “Yuki Miyamori” in the class roll book and screamed that there’s really someone that fits the description outlined in the e-mail while Fujiyoushi commented that Onizuka doesn’t deserve to become a homeroom teacher after all for being so ignorant. Onizuka started to examine Miyamori’s attendance records and commented that Miyamori really had never came to school and asked them on how long he had been absent from the school. Kusano replied that it’s have been 2 years since he last come to school, and he knows it because he and Miyamori are in the same class when they are in the first year. Hearing him, Onizuka commented that 200 points are available for him, and started to make a wicked plan to go to his house and forced him to go to the school after drugging him. Fujiyoushi interjected that Onizuka is trying to commit a crime but Onizuka lashed at him to shut his mouth. Then Onizuka smiled devilishly, and tells them that the thing they are talking now will determine the salary he will get, so he will not hesitate to use any methods to take Miyamori back to the school. Kusano tried to tell something about Miyamori family to Onizuka but failed.

Later in the day, Onizuka is pressing the doorbell of Miyamori’s house repeatedly, calling for Miyamori’s father. Onizuka screamed as he introduced himself as Miyamori’s homeroom teacher and he comes to the school because he wants to take Miyamori back to the school (he initially says that he wants to kidnap Miyamori, but realizing his screw-up, changed the statement to the above). When nobody answered his call, he started to curse at the house occupants and then keeps repeating what he had said earlier. Meanwhile, his followers are waiting at the front gate as Kusano asked Onizuka not to scream anymore and tried to tell something about Miyamori’s family to Onizuka but failed yet again.

Suddenly, the door of the house opened, and Onizuka is shocked to see a vicious-looking man with a X-scar on his cheek (just like Kenshin in the anime/manga Rurouni Kenshin) greeting him and asked on what Onizuka’s business are. Onizuka started to become scared as the man brandished a knife right upon his face, and Onizuka stammers as he tried to explain that he comes to the house to take Miyamori back to the school (he uses the word “kidnap” again here). Onizuka started to laugh nervously, when a voice can be heard from inside the house asking whether Onizuka is really Miyamori’s homeroom teacher.

Onizuka and the man is shocked to hear the voice, when suddenly a very big bald man (webmaster note: 7 feet tall at least, because Onizuka’s height himself is somewhere in 175-180cm range, and he doesn’t even as tall as this man’s shoulders) that looks like a sumo wrestler appeared at the doorway, shocking Onizuka further. The man smiled showing his gold teeth, and grabbed the nervous and scared Onizuka inside the house while apologizing to him, adding that he doesn’t know that Miyamori’s homeroom teacher is coming to the house. The man then explained that his yakuza group of which he leads is now in a confrontation with another gang, which explained why his followers are edgy all the time. He then called Onizuka in, and also asked the waiting Onizuka’s clan members at the gate to come inside too.

In the next scene, the big man introduced himself as Miyamori's father, apologizing about what had happened and poured a cup of beer for Onizuka (flanked by 2 vicious-looking yakuza members). Onizuka tried to decline his offer, saying that he have a class to attend, but changed his mind after one of his “escorts” pointed a gun on the back of his head. Onizuka nervously commented that the beer is good, and Miyamori’s father commented that his son is really causing a big headache and shows Onizuka a picture. Onizuka looked at a picture showing Miyamori, his father and the rest of the yakuza members dressing up as if to play baseball. The man tells Onizuka that when Miyamori once told him that he wanted to play baseball, he promptly makes a game between his followers to appease Miyamori. Onizuka wondering silently (almost) whether the yakuza gang members were dressing up to go to a war instead. The man then tells Onizuka that before Miyamori’s mother death, Miyamori is still a very cheerful student.

Suddenly, he sees Onizuka trying to sneak away from the house and he asked Onizuka on where he is going. The shocked Onizuka started to lie, saying that he wants to take a look at Miyamori’s room. Onizuka started to laugh when he become startled to see to see the man gritting his teeth, and suddenly the man hugged him tightly while thanking Onizuka for helping him in a situation where only Onizuka will be able to do something. The yakuza members and also Onizuka clan’s members can only looked silently at Onizuka and Miyamori’s father, as he tells Onizuka that even that he is Miyamori’s father, he doesn’t know anything about why Miyamori locked himself up inside his room. He cursed himself, saying that even that he was able to get the loyalty of his followers, he is in the dark about what Miyamori is actually thinking about. The man pleaded at Onizuka, who are silent as he hears what Miyamori’s father is saying, that Onizuka should help Miyamori so that he will start to come out from his room.

Hearing that, Onizuka started to smile, and tells Miyamori’s father that he will take care of everything and vowed that he, Eikichi Onizuka will persuade Miyamori out from his room. Miyamori’s father started to thank him, and Onizuka asked him on where is Miyamori’s room is located. The man pointed the location, but warned him not to approach the room to closely. Onizuka interjected, saying that the man should leave everything to him so that he will be able to communicate with Miyamori, but just when he tried to turn the doorknob, 3 gunshots pierced the door and one of them grazed Onizuka’s cheek. Onizuka is stunned to see the blood on his face, as the man tells him that he forget to tell Onizuka that just before Miyamori locks himself up in the room, he had stole a gun of his, and Miyamori will use it to shoot anyone who approached his room. He then tells a story about one of his followers who lose a finger when trying to coerce Miyamori out from the room. Hearing that, Onizuka silently thinks that Miyamori is not a normal autistic person, but actually a terrorist armed with a gun. He weeps as he considered that fact while the man tells his followers to buy some sushi and beer for Onizuka…


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.