What do you think about having more faith in your yourself? - Eikichi Onizuka.
Lesson #149 - Hello Azusa.

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Lesson #149 - Hello Azusa.

(Azusa) Fuyutsuki looks around her as she wondered on where she is now, and that she is able to hear bird's chirping sound very clearly. She then looked at a full-scale mirror and is shocked to see that she is wearing a weeding gown, and wondered whether she is inside a resting room for newlywed couples. The panicking Fuyutsuki started to remember, that when she tried to boot up (Suguru) Teshigawara's laptop at the school, someone had covered her mouth with a chloroform-laced cloth, and she fainted. Remembering that incident, she started to become scared, as she wondered whether Teshigawara is locking her in a room, threatening to kill her, and as time passes, she will eventually fall in love with him.

Fuyutsuki started to dismiss that imaginative scenario, as she tells herself that she is kidnapped and she should find ways to get away from her prison. She started to scream, asking for help when suddenly she sees a box with the phrase "To Azusa" written on it lying on the floor, puzzling her. She picks the box up and unwrap it, just to see a book titled "Cricket Diary" as she started to become more and more puzzled…

Meanwhile, Teshigawara's heart started to beat faster after hearing (Makoto) Fuyutsuki's words about the new evidence earlier. He asked her whether she really had found a new evidence that is pivotal in revealing the criminal, and she replied that she do, as (Eikichi) Onizuka looked on at them. Makoto started to bend to take something from inside the bathroom trash bin, and Teshigawara's face started to change when she exclaimed that she had found it. She then shows a plastic bottle seal to both Onizuka and Teshigawara, and they started to have a closer look.

Onizuka asked her whether she is trying to show garbage to them, and Makoto replied that he should have a closer look at the plastic seal. She then pointed out that on the plastic seal, a price tag (398 yen) complete with the name of a shop are clearly printed on it, and she suggested that the bottle that was sealed with the plastic seal was possibly bought by the criminal. She then asked Teshigawara whether he knows what kind of product that was sealed with the plastic seal, and upon hearing that question, he started to laugh and replied that he didn't know anything about it. Hearing him, she started to ask Onizuka the same question, as Teshigawara screams silently that the plastic seal was used to seal the Listerine (webmaster note: I think everyone knows what Listerine is, if not feel free to ask) bottle he had used, and he cursed Makoto for having such a sharp eye to look for such a trivial thing.

He tried to calm himself, saying that there's no way Makoto will be able to make anything out from the plastic seal, even that she is able to know where he had bought the Listerine from as Onizuka wondered what things can be bought with 398 yen. He smiles as he thinks that what Makoto is doing are all in vain as she suggested that they should go to the shop first. Hearing her, Teshigawara suggested that they should not do unnecessary things, and asked instead that they should go find a place to have dinner. They then are shown walking out of the building as Onizuka is laughing that Teshigawara will treat them dinner after going to the shop, while Makoto who are walking behind them is silent as she sees some footprints on a dried up concrete slab.

In the next scene, they arrived at the shop, which name is printed on the plastic seal, and Makoto started to collect all things that are priced at 398 yen and putting them all on a heap on the floor. Teshigawara exclaimed that are lot of things inside the shop are sold at that price, and he started to laugh as he added that she will take a long time to shift through the mountains of things they have collected. Makoto continued to check all the things as Teshigawara continued, saying that even she is able to find what kind of thing that are sealed with the seal they found at Fuyutsuki's house, she will not be able to prove anything. She is silent as she continued her search, while Teshigawara commented that they have only guessing that Fuyutsuki had been kidnapped, and they should return to her apartment, because she maybe had returned home.

Suddenly, Makoto replied that she is confident that her sister is kidnapped, and if she is able to find the things that are sealed with the plastic seal, she will be able to prove everything. She suddenly found something, to the shock of Teshigawara, and she is seen holding a Listerine bottle as she commented that the seal that sealed the bottle looks the same like the one they found at Fuyutsuki's apartment. Meanwhile, Onizuka is puzzled to see the Listerine bottle, and he asked on how Makoto are able to know what the seal is for as Teshigawara started to sweat again. She replied that it is so easy, and reminded him that they had found a man underwear earlier at Fuyutsuki's house and she had also smelled it.

Hearing what she had said, Onizuka is shocked and he asked her why she is so stupid to smell a stinking underwear, and she countered, saying that the underwear didn't stink at all. Teshigawara started to sweat heavily, and his face radically changed like a scared criminal now, when Makoto explained to Onizuka that she is very puzzled to learn that the underwear doesn't stink even that Japan is now at the middle of the summer where everyone will sweat more than normal. She then added that by the fact that the underwear is so clean, the wearer must be someone who is really conscious about cleanliness, so the criminal must had also someone who always take care about his body scent and how his breath will smell.

Makoto continued, by knowing the fact that the plastic seal was found at a bathroom trash bin, the plastic seal have a high probability of being used to seal bottles of hygiene products, so she simply have to hunt for a 398 yen hygiene product packaged in a bottle. Teshigawara, who is clearly unsettled after hearing her explanations, try to suggest that Fuyutsuki may have bought the Listerine herself, but Makoto smiled, and replied that Fuyutsuki really hates using products like Listerine, and if Fuyutsuki wants to prevent bad breaths, she will simply chew chewing gums. Makoto then explained that the reason she chew chewing gums is that Fuyutsuki really hates the sharp smell of products like Listerine, so she is very confident that the Listerine bottle was bought by the criminal and was taken to her apartment. She then suggested, that it's highly likely the criminal's breath will also smells like Listerine.

Suddenly, Onizuka and Makoto are shocked to see Teshigawara eating a packet of garlic snack, as Teshigawara commented that the snack is really tasty. As both of them stared at him silently, a shop worker reminded him that he doesn't pay for the snack yet, so Teshigawara should not eat it. Hearing the words of the shop owner, Teshigawara replied that he would pay at the counter and offered a packet to Onizuka. Seeing him, Makoto started to smile, and suddenly she exclaimed that she had remembered something, and Teshigawara is shocked. He asked about what she had found, and she replied that she had deduced about the location where the criminal lived. Teshigawara exclaimed that it's impossible for her to know about it, but she continued, saying that the criminal must had lived somewhere around the shop.

Hearing her, Teshigawara nearly choked with the snack he is having, and he asked whether she is only guessing without any evidence. Makoto then replied that her allegation is easy to explain, and asked Teshigawara how the plastic seal mysteriously appeared at her bathroom when Fuyutsuki is someone who never uses such products. She then answered the question herself, saying that the criminal must have bought the Listerine and took it to her apartment, and with this fact, she will be able to deduce that the criminal have had lived somewhere near Fuyutsuki's house and the shop they are in now. Plus, she added that the fact remains that they should take into account too that the criminal's house might be located between the shop they are now and another shop in the same chain with the same name (webmaster note: just like the K-Mart chain of shops) which are ridiculously 200 kilometers apart, so it's impossible that the criminal is living that far off from Fuyutsuki's apartment. Knowing that she is right, Teshigawara tried to argue that the criminal probably lives at a nearby train station and comes to the shop they are in now to buy the Listerine bottle.

Makoto countered, saying that around the train station, there's a lot of shops too, so if the criminal really lives there, he will not waste his time to go to the shop they are now just to buy things from there. Onizuka are stumped, as Makoto added that if the criminal lives farther off then where she had said before (not in the region where she had speculated that the criminal is living), the criminal will surely goes to the bigger Odawara supermarket, where things are cheaper than the shop they are in now. Teshigawara then asked again, that maybe the criminal comes to Fuyutsuki's house without bringing with him anything, and when he realized that his breath started to smell bad, he goes to the shop they are now to buy a bottle of Listerine, thus proving that her theory is wrong, but she countered, saying that if the criminal only want to buy a bottle of Listerine, the criminal can easily buy one at a pharmacy near where Fuyutsuki's lived.

Makoto added, that the criminal may not only going to the shop just to merely buy a bottle of Listerine because that one can be bought at the aforementioned pharmacy, but also to buy other things like food etc. She then added, that the criminal maybe is not buying only for himself, but also for Fuyutsuki who are in captive too. Teshigawara is pale when he hears her, and started to exclaim that the night is getting old, and he still has some report for the Tokyo University alumni club to finish. He then hurriedly excused himself, as Onizuka tried to call him back. The shop owner started to chase him because he still didn't pay for the garlic snacks, as Teshigawara cursed at Makoto who seem to be able to know all thing that he have done. He knows that Makoto must have been suspecting him now, so he must take Fuyutsuki to a faraway place. Then he decided to take Fuyutsuki to live in a forest, so that they can live like Adam and Eve modern version.

Onizuka is puzzled to see Teshigawara hurrying like that, when suddenly Makoto suggested that they should follow him. Onizuka is shocked, and Makoto asked him whether he still oblivious to the fact that Teshigawara have a strong connection to Fuyutsuki's disappearance, shocking him further. Onizuka then asked himself on why he never realized that fact, and as they started to follow him, she exclaimed that she had put enough pressure on him so she is confident that Teshigawara will surely take a major action now. She then continued, saying that if everything is going like she had planned, Teshigawara will bring them right to where Fuyutsuki's been locked in. Onizuka started to suggest that they should have dinner first, but Makoto refused, saying that they don't have time for that.

As they are following Teshigawara who are entering a toilet, Onizuka asked Makoto whether she is really sure about Teshigawara being the real criminal, and she replied that she does, and Onizuka groaned that he is very hungry, After seeing him entering the toilet, Onizuka asked her whether she thinks that Teshigawara had locked her sister inside a toilet, and Makoto lashed at him, saying that Teshigawara will not do such a stupid thing. They then sees a beggar comes out from the toilet, as Makoto wondered on why Teshigawara takes a long time inside the toilet, when suddenly, Onizuka lashed at her, saying that she is very stupid. Makoto is stunned, as Onizuka tells her that the idea of following Teshigawara is not effective, when he can simply goes out and asked Teshigawara right at his face. Onizuka then walked to the toilet, commenting that he will settle everything with his "abilities", and adds that he can easily makes one or two of Teshigawara's teeth to fly off where it should be. He then sees Teshigawara at the end of the toilet hallway and walked towards him, clenching his fists as Makoto tried to stop him.

Onizuka grabbed Teshigawara's head and turned him around as he screams for him to tell about Fuyutsuki's location or risked being beaten to pulp, but he and Makoto are shocked to see someone else is wearing Teshigawara's clothes. Onizuka gets angrier, and he shook the man up and asked on why he is wearing Teshigawara's cloths. The panicking man replied that a man pays him so that they can swap clothes, and upon hearing that, Makoto started to panic, saying that the beggar that had come out earlier is actually Teshigawara. Meanwhile, somewhere else, Teshigawara is dumping the clothes he had been wearing when he comes out from the toilet, and he smiles. Makoto screams, saying that Teshigawara knows that he is being followed, while Onizuka continues to shake the man on the air vigorously, asking on how the beggar will pay for his loss. Onizuka asked for the beggar name, guessing names like Sato or Samura, and the beggar replied that his name is Nanbara.

Makoto exclaimed, that since Teshigawara have known that they are following him, he must have planned to transport Fuyutsuki to another place, as the beggar pleaded to Onizuka that he will return the cloths to him. Hearing her, Onizuka who are holding Teshigawara's shoes becomes angry, and he smashed the shoes on the floor vowing that he will definitely kill Teshigawara when he finds him. Suddenly, Onizuka noticed something had fallen from the shoe, and he is puzzled to see a crescent-shaped hardened concrete on the floor. He asked Makoto whether she knows about the thing that had fallen from Teshigawara's shoe, and as she stared at the concrete piece, she remembers something and asked for Onizuka to move on to a place she thinks that Teshigawara may have gone to. Onizuka wondered whether Makoto wants to go there faster, and suggested that he will stole a bike first, but Makoto replied that she doesn't have time to wait for Onizuka to steal a bike, because Teshigawara may have runs away if they waste too much time.

They then arrived back at the building where Fuyutsuki lives, and Makoto tried to match the concrete piece with the footprint at the newly constructed dried concrete slab she had noticed earlier. The piece match perfectly, and she exclaimed that she is right that the footprint on the concrete slab is really Teshigawara's. Onizuka is puzzled, and she explained again that when they went out earlier to go to the shop printed on the plastic seal, she had noticed some kids footprints on the dried up concrete, and she feels weird to see that one of them are unusually large, because adults will not intentionally steps on a newly laid wet concretes, unlike children. She then deduced that Teshigawara, when stepping on the wet concrete, was in the midst in doing something in a hurry. She pointed to a nearby signboard, showing that the concrete was laid a week ago, the same day Fuyutsuki was missing.

Makoto continued, that with the existence of the footprint, Teshigawara must had come to where Fuyutsuki is living at the day of her disappearance. Hearing her, Onizuka started to become angry, now confident that Fuyutsuki was really kidnapped by Teshigawara. He vowed that he would make Teshigawara pay by making him treating Onizuka with free udon (webmaster note: Japanese food) when suddenly Makoto exclaimed that she would now be able to pinpoint Fuyutsuki's location now. Onizuka is shocked to hear her words, and asked whether she had said is really true. Makoto replied that based on the footprint, Fuyutsuki is probably locked at…

In the next scene, Teshigawara arrived at a hallway where Fuyutsuki is being locked, bringing with him some foods, as he exclaimed to Fuyutsuki that he had returned. He then opened a door at the end of the hallway; as he added that Fuyutsuki's younger sister have nearly defeats him, ruining "their love story". He laughed as he added that everything is OK now because he had shook them off his trail and he is calling Fuyutsuki, who are wearing a wedding gown with her back facing her, to go to a place where the only ones who existed are she and him…


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.