I'm gonna be raped!! By that ass scratching demon teacher!! Ah what should I do? I'm sure that he's going to use that T ruler to do THAT and THIS to me.. - Hikita Ruruka.

Lesson 143: The patience of a middle-aged man.


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Lesson 143: The patience of a middle-aged man.

Headmaster Xavier is fanning himself while complaining about the hot summer day. He wishes that he could drink a jug of cold beer and asked (Hiroshi) Uchiyamada whether he is also thinking about the same thing. Uchiyamada asks about his diabetes condition, and the sheepish headmaster replied that he was already cured after drinking lots of vegetable juices and eating brown porridges. He then tells Uchiyamada that Uchiyamada should have listened to him about his torturous experience when he was warded at the hospital.

Xavier tells Uchiyamada that he heard from (Ryoko) Sakurai that Uchiyamada wanted to become a homeroom assistant teacher and wondered why he wanted to do that. Xavier (the headmaster) had thought of recommending Uchiyamada to become the next headmaster. The headmaster added that if Uchiyamada proceeds with his plans, he would not have time to study for the promotional examination. The headmaster asks him whether or not he would reconsider his decision. Uchiyamada smiled and replied that his decision is final because he actually has a lot more to learn, and one if them is how to be more patient when teaching.

The headmaster is shocked to hear him, as Uchiyamada explained that for a long time he would judge people solely by their appearances and actions and make decisions based on those assumptions. Consequently, some of these people ended up becoming problematic students. He now wants to start all over again, to enter the classroom, and to learn to understand what the students are thinking, just like what (Eikichi) Onizuka had done. Uchiyamada opens the water pipe to get a glass of water to drink notices that the water is red.

Both Uchiyamada and the headmaster are shocked to see the water and wondered whether the water tank is dirty. They then decide that they have to resolve the problem quickly or else students who are drinking the water will be sick. Suddenly they noticed a bunch of students drinking the water at the school field pipes, and the headmaster started to panic and asks Uchiyamada to go and stop the students. They run towards the students, screaming for them not to drink the contaminated water, while the headmaster shrieks that if they fall sick, he is the one who have to shoulder the responsibility.

One of the student replied that the water is cool and tasty to drink, much to Uchiyamada's disbelief. Meanwhile, the headmaster is busy finding the master valve, while Uchiyamada tells the students who had drunk the water to find (Naoko) Moritaka for check-ups. The student replies that nothing had happened to them and asked Uchiyamada to taste the water for himself. Uchiyamada tried to protest, but the students insisted that he should try it. He starts to smell the water, and his expression starts to change. Then he starts to sip the water from the student's hand, shocking the headmaster.

The headmaster is shocked and screams why he is drinking the water, when suddenly Uchiyamada turns and says that the water tasted like wheat tea. The headmaster is shocked, as another student replied that Onizuka had prepared the tea using the wheat tea packets allocated for the teachers, and he had said to them that he wanted to share it with them. The headmaster and Uchiyamada are stunned to hear the student's explanation.

In the next scene, Onizuka is shown bundling lots of tea packets into the school water tank. He exclaims that Japanese people really like to drink wheat tea in summer. He decided that the tea is not cold enough and dumped a large packet of ice into the tank. The headmaster is screaming bloody murder as he climbed the stairs that leads to the water tanks, with Uchiyamada right on his tail. Seeing them, Onizuka greets them and asks whether they want to meet him for any important matters while the headmaster is shaking with anger.

The headmaster yells at the smiling, ignorant Onizuka for dumping the teachers' tea stock for the entire academic year into the water tank. Onizuka replies that when summer arrived, the students surely need some refreshments after exercising under the hot sun, and he asked the headmaster isn't he (Onizuka) a kind man. Then he adds that it's not fair that only the teachers are able to drink wheat tea, and that the students should be given some too. The headmaster becomes angrier and calls him stupid, saying that if he really wants to share the tea with the students he should use jugs instead of the water tanks because he is turning the water in the toilets into wheat tea too with his action.

Realizing that he is really doing something stupid, Onizuka started to apologize, but suddenly he hears the students thanking him for the tea, and Onizuka started to lie that the school is sponsoring the tea and he will make more in the future. Hearing this, the headmaster yells at him again, and they started to bicker with one another. The headmaster tries to prevent Onizuka from dumping the last box of tea packets into the tank, as Uchiyamada looked at them silently and started to smile.

Back in the building, the headmaster is still angry at Onizuka's action at the rooftop, saying that he is the one who will be blamed by the accounting department. Uchiyamada tried to calm him by saying that the students are drinking happily at least, but the headmaster become angrier, saying that Onizuka is misusing public property and decided that he must make a report to Sakurai for a more thorough investigation.

Suddenly, the headmaster notices that the desk phone on his desk has changed to a phone that is usually used at home and asks Uchiyamada whether he knows who changed his multi-line phone. Uchiyamada is puzzled and replies that he doesn't know either. The headmaster is puzzled and remarks that he still remembered that his old phone was still on his desk before the school session adjourned before the first summer break. The phone suddenly rings, surprising them.

The headmaster tries to pick up the phone, when a light switches on and the phone become silent on its own indicating that the call had been rerouted to another place in the school. The headmaster read the words next to the telephone's light and he started to be puzzled because his line doesn't have any extension to anywhere in the school (it is a fixed personal line). He started to panic, thinking that someone is making illegal connections, when he and Uchiyamada realized something.

The headmaster picks up the phone and overhears a voice asking whether the caller is calling Mr. Onizuka's house. They then hear Onizuka' voice, who immediately recognized the caller's voice, and he asks whether the caller is named Yoshi. Hearing that, the caller started to become happy, saying that Onizuka still remembered her. The headmaster and Uchiyamada continue to eavesdrop on the conversation while Onizuka exclaims that he will surely remember a cute girl like Yoshi when he met her at the KTV outlet and that she sings just like a pro.

Yoshi (the caller) then exclaims that she never knew that Onizuka would remember her, and praises herself for calling Onizuka. Onizuka replies that he had been waiting for her call for a long time and he also starts to praise himself because Yoshi is calling him. In the next scene, the headmaster barges into Onizuka's room, while Onizuka is still continuing to talk with Yoshi over the phone. The headmaster scolds him for using school phone lines as his own private property. Meanwhile, Uchiyamada tries to calm him again and suggests that Onizuka is giving a counseling session to one of his students.

Suddenly they hear Yoshi asking about Onizuka's profession, and he replies that he is a teacher at a prestigious private school. Then, Onizuka is shocked to learn that Yoshi's father is also a teacher, and he wondered whether they are destined to be together forever. The headmaster becomes angry and takes an umbrella to hit him, and Uchiyamada tries to calm him again, saying that teachers should be more patient and rational. The headmaster retorts that Onizuka is misusing school phones to find a wife, and Onizuka is really tainting the good name of the teaching profession.

Onizuka ignores the commotion behind him and he asks Yoshi whether they can meet later and where she is. He is shocked to learn that Yoshi lives in Kichiyouji district, and he exclaims that he is very near there because he works and lives at Kichiyouji Private School. He starts to become puzzled when he learns that Yoshi's father also works at the same school as him and he asked for his identification. Yoshi tells him that her father is a principal, shocking Uchiyamada who is listening to his conversation along with the headmaster, and Onizuka asked for his full name.

Before Onizuka gets an answer, Uchiyamada grabs the phone just in time to hear Yoshi say that her father's family name is "Uchiyamada". Hearing that, Uchiyamada starts to scream Yoshiko's name, stunning Onizuka, and (Yoshiko) Uchiyamada who is actually Yoshi, is shocked to hear her father at the end of the line. He starts to ask her why she is calling Onizuka and also what had happened at the KTV they were talking about earlier. Onizuka asks the headmaster whether Yoshi is Uchiyamada's daughter, and the puzzled headmaster replied that she probably is. Yoshiko then tells Uchiyamada that she became acquainted with Onizuka when she and a friend went for a karaoke session at a KTV outlet.

Uchiyamada asks whether or not she and Onizuka had slept together, and Yoshiko calls her father as lunatic for thinking like that. Uchiyamada then asks why she is calling him as a lunatic, just to be angrily told that she and Onizuka were just singing at the KTV outlet. Uchiyamada starts to have flashbacks to when Yoshiko was first born. At the end of the flashbacks, Yoshiko then called her father a bore, saying that she has the liberty to meet anyone she likes. Uchiyamada remembers when Yoshiko was going to kindergarten with her first bag and replies that she should not try to get acquainted with strange males.

Yoshiko becomes angrier and says that speaking with him is so boring (again) because he is so heartless and she is very disappointed with him. Uchiyamada is stunned to hear her and he starts to remember the first time Yoshiko went to school when he hears Yoshiko's words that he is heartless. Both Onizuka and the headmaster are surprised to see Uchiyamada sweating, and Uchiyamada himself starts to wonder on what he is doing since he had vowed to the headmaster that he wanted reform himself.

He silently asks himself why he must be angry just because of such little things and he will not be able to become a great teacher if he lets such things bother him. He starts to remember that he actually owed a lot to Onizuka, so he should not suspect Onizuka of doing anything immoral. He vows that he must believe in Onizuka and he started to tell Yoshiko that Onizuka is one of the best new teachers that had arrived at Kichiyouji Private School. Yoshiko is shocked to hear his assessment, and to his shock, she asked Uchiyamada to ask Onizuka to come to their house for a dinner tonight.

Uchiyamada is speechless as Yoshiko asks him whether or not he can do what she had said, but Uchiyamada protests and claims that they should invite Onizuka at another night because her mom maybe very busy. Yoshiko replies that she would call her mom to tell her about Onizuka's arrival. Uchiyamada starts to have another flashback of when Yoshiko and (Riyoko) Uchiyamada were eating, and he started to complain, just to be cut out by her saying that she is late and she will tell her mom to prepare steaks because she remembered that Onizuka had told her that he likes steaks.

Hearing the word "steak", Uchiyamada comments that she had gone too far, but she ignores him and tells him that people need more food plentiful with vitamins in the summer. She then remembered something, and exclaims that because Onizuka is coming to their house for the first time, Onizuka should be allowed to sleep over at HER room overnight, so that they can drink while talking with each other. Uchiyamada started to weep when he heard her request while Onizuka and the headmaster can only look at Uchiyamada. Yoshi then tells Uchiyamada that she will be waiting and hangs up as Uchiyamada is trying to persuade her not to let Onizuka sleep over in her room.

The room is silent, and Uchiyamada turned to Onizuka and asks him whether he had heard that Yoshiko wants to invite him to go over their house for a dinner and a sleepover. He then starts to make funny poses and tells Onizuka that he can reject the invitation because his house is quite far. Onizuka looks at him silently. Suddenly Onizuka replies that he doesn't mind, and starts to wonder on what kind of steaks he will be able to eat at Uchiyamada's house. He hopes that Yoshiko will cook him a dish filled with cow's tongue laced with some wasabi. Uchiyamada reacts angrily (silently) and asks why Onizuka doesn't want to go to a sushi joint instead if he wants to eat such a dish.

Onizuka prepares himself, exclaiming that he never realized that Yoshi is actually Uchiyamada' s daughter, and concludes that the world is surely very small. Then he tells Uchiyamada that he (Onizuka) is very lucky to meet her at the KTV outlet, adding that she is very beautiful. He then exclaims that he had to make some preparations and he takes a sprayer and started to spray into his pants. Uchiyamada is shocked to see him doing that and starts to accuse Onizuka of having another sinister motive apart from savoring free steaks. Onizuka denies this and says that he is only spraying his underwear. Suddenly, he remembered that he forgot to bring something, and Uchiyamada started to become inquisitive, asking about what he is talking about when he is talking about that "thing". Onizuka starts to become puzzled and asked Uchiyamada whether he is suspicious of him.

In the next scene, both Yoshiko (who is wearing a very short miniskirt) and Riyoko greet Onizuka, with Uchiyamada tailing him from behind. Uchiyamada starts to introduce Onizuka, and Onizuka started to smile, commenting that he is very happy to be able to meet them all, and introduces himself that he is a teacher at Kichiyouji Private School. Riyoko is shocked to hear it, and she exclaims that he is the colleague of her husband. Uchiyamada is silent. Yoshiko then invites Onizuka to come in as Uchiyamada lashes silently at his daughter not to act like a horny bastard, and suddenly, he sees a faint outline of a condom inside Onizuka's back pocket. Uchiyamada can only scream silently in his heart as he wondered what that "cylindrical" thing really is.


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Great Teacher Onizuka GTO © Touru Fujisawa, Shukan Shonen Magazine, Studio Pierrot, Fuji TV, SPE Studioworks, Kodansha Publishing Ltd. 1997-2002.